
Mad Pride events taking place in Vancouver in 2008. No albums or photos uploaded yet.  World Mad Pride Day Celebrated By Gallery Cachet In Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Local and international artists, both emerging and professional, are invited to participate in an interdisciplinary call for work addressing human rights and psychiatry, and mental health and…

“The Human Condition”

Info Document Actions Print this M-POWER, a MindFreedom International sponsor group, stands up for the rights of the mentally ill in emergency rooms. “The Human Condition” Date Published: Jun 03, 2008 01:00 AM Author: Lee Hammel Source: TELEGRAM & GAZETTE, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA THE HUMAN CONDITIONBy Lee Hammel TELEGRAM & GAZETTE STAFF Former Worcester resident…


Info Restraint Information about restraint. “The Human Condition” M-POWER, a MindFreedom International sponsor group, stands up for the rights of the mentally ill in emergency rooms. “State cites preventable deaths in report on Sharp Grossmont” An article in the San Diego Union Tribune addressing preventable deaths in a La Mesa hospital, including the suffocation while…

Mad People’s History play goes west!

Friendly Spike Theater of Toronto will be in Vancouver, Canada for the Madness and Citizenship conference. Friendly Spike is a sponsor group of MindFreedom International. what Meeting when Jun 11, 2008 from 01:00 AM to 01:00 AM where Madness & Citizenship Conference, Vancouver, Canada contact name Ruth Ruth contact phone 416.516.4740 attendees All are welcome. add event to… An influential mental health nonprofit finds its ‘grassroots’ watered by pharmaceutical millions

Info Document Actions Print this Mother Jones and journalist Ken Silverstein won an award for this one. Ken got inside the headquarters of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) and photocopied huge checks from the psychiatric drug industry to NAMI. NAMI policy: Non-disclosure of the amount of money this mental health organization gets…