Mad Pride: Beyond depression, a demand for rights from mental illness sufferers

Info Document Actions Print this An online publication for “citizen journalists” has a brief article about the Mad Pride movement that includes mention of MindFreedom and MFI director David Oaks Mad Pride: Beyond depression, a demand for rights from mental illness sufferers Author: Paul Wallis (Wanderlaugh) Source:   link to oroginal article:  …

Congressional hearing held on psychiatric drugging of USA foster care kids

Info The US Congress held a public hearing about the way youth in foster care are often given large amounts of powerful psychiatric drugs, without adequate oversight, accountability, information, alternatives and advocacy. Vera Sharav of Alliance for Human Research Protection issued this report. Rep. McDermott announced the US congressional hearing on foster care psychiatric drugging.…

Some Detainees Are Drugged For Deportation

Info Document Actions Print this The Washington Post investigated and documented the use of “chemical restraint” on hundreds of immigrants being deported from the USA. Some Detainees Are Drugged For Deportation Date Published: May 14, 2008 01:00 AM Author: Amy Goldstein and Dana Priest | Washington Post Staff Writers Source: Washington Post, A1 Immigrants…