Nonviolence Guidelines for IAACM

Info We ask that all action and speech by those involved in the International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment (IAACM) follow these guidelines. IAACM Nonviolence Guidelines These principles of a peaceful campaign are based on those of Martin Luther King, Jr., as interpreted by the “National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance.” Our attitude will…

David Oaks, Director of MindFreedom International encourages you to lead IAACM.

Info David Oaks, Director of MindFreedom International encourages you to lead IAACM. In this brief video (about 4 minutes), the director of MindFreedom International, David Oaks, from his desk in the MindFreedom office, calls for YOU to be one of the leaders in Martin Luther King’s vision of the International Association for the Advancement of…

Mother Jones Exposes “School of Shock”

Info MindFreedom salutes Mother Jones magazine for publishing a very important investigation of abuse of youth in today’s mental health system. Journalist Jennifer Gonnerman has extensively examined the infamous Rotenberg Center that uses electrical pain to try to change the behavior of troubled youth. Photo by Mother Jones in School of Shock article. See the…

Belgium Psychiatric Survivor Group Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Info The following news announcement was forwarded by European Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (ENUSP) about one of their member groups in Belgium, UilenSpiegel, which is celebrating their 10th anniversary. UilenSpiegel is also planning a Mad Pride celebration. Dan Taylor, secretary from MindFreedom Ghana in Accra, Ghana, Africa, intends to attend. European Network…