Archive of MindFreedom Radio Shows

Info Archive of MindFreedom Radio Shows MindFreedom Internet Radio Show archived shows, with host David Oaks. Dorothy Dundas 3 October 2007 – Guest Dorothy Dundas survived insulin coma shock and went on to become a human rights activist. Read More… Chrissy Peirsol 12 September 2007 – Guest Chrissy Peirsol is a 20-year-old activist who has…

Don Weitz Bio

Here is information provided by Don Weitz in his own words. Don Weitz – A Short Biographical Note Don Weitz is a psychiatric survivor of insulin subcoma shock and an antipsychiatry activist. For over 30 years (since 1974), he has been active in the antipsychiatry movement. Don is co-founder of the self-help group On Our…

peer support

Info peer support Peer mutual support is now proven through studies to, in many circumstances, add to the likelihood of recovery following a diagnosis with some mental health problems. USA Issues Guidelines on Medicaid Funding of Peer Support On 15 August 207, the huge USA federal funding agency Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)…

Activist Freed From Psychiatric Clinic

Info Document Actions Print this Associated Press reports in Moscow Times that Larisa Arap is freed following a visit by a government commission. Public pressure may have played a role in that investigation. Activist Freed From Psychiatric Clinic Source: The Associated Press Original article: Larisa Arap Amember of an opposition group led by…

US psychologists weigh ban on Guantanamo interrogations

Info Document Actions Print this Background article by Associated Press from before the American Psychological Association vote on interrogation techniques. US psychologists weigh ban on Guantanamo interrogations Date Published: Aug 18, 2007 03:00 AM Author: Sudhin Thanawal Source: The Associated Press SANFRANCISCO: The largest U.S. group of psychologists is to decide Sundaywhat role, if any,…

US Psychologists Scrap Interrogation Ban

Info Document Actions Print this This AP report says the American Psychological Association voted down a measure that would have prohibited members from assisting “interrogators.” Intead the group voted for a resolution restricting the manner in which members participated in interrogations. US Psychologists Scrap Interrogation Ban Date Published: Aug 20, 2007 03:00 AM Author: Sudhin…

Psychologists protest vote by American Psychological Association

Info This is an MFI Info Center on the American Psychological Association vote against a ban of psychologists from helping interrogators at Guantanamo Bay and other U.S. military detention centers. Instead, the Association voted for a milder resolution that banned about a dozen interrogation techniques. Dissident psychologists protested the vote. Jade Lai holds a sign…

US psychologists limit roles in torture of military prisoners

Info Document Actions Print this A French news service describes the vote of American Psychological Association on Sunday, 19 August 2007, about participation by psychologists in interrogation of prisoners. US psychologists limit roles in torture of military prisoners Date Published: Aug 19, 2007 03:00 AM Source: AFP News Brief The American Psychological Association on Sunday…

Heat Wave + Forced Neuroleptics = Death

Info MindFreedom Warning: The combination of a heat wave and laws requiring people to take powerful psychiatric drugs in their own homes on an “outpatient basis” can kill. Mainstream media are not adequately warning the public. Neuroleptics, also known as “antipsychotics,” can suppress the ability of the body to adjust to heat. Heat plus neuroleptics…