Mental health consumer leader issues statement on Virginia Tech tragedy

Info Steve Miccio, director of a mental health consumer group called “Project to Empower and Organize the Psychiatrically Labeled (PEOPLe)” in New York State that is staffed by people diagnosed with psychiatric disabilities. *A Call to Action* By Steve Miccio, executive director PEOPLe, Inc.; immediate Past President, NYAPRS Whenever there is a tragedy of any…

Virginia Tech Massacre shooter may have been on psychiatric drugs

Info Document Actions Print this While all the information is not in, the Associated Press reports there are indications that Cho Seung-Hui may have been on prescribed antidepressant psychiatric drug. Virginia Tech Massacre shooter may have been on psychiatric drugs Date Published: Apr 17, 2007 03:00 AM Author: MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer Source: Atlanta…