Donate to the special MindFreedom fund honoring David W. Oaks to boost the MFI projects nearest and dearest to his heart! As many of you know, our founder and executive director for the past 25+ years, David Oaks, recently suffered a serious accident and broke the C7 bone in his neck. David has a long…

ACTION – USA Senate Fails to Pass Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Info The USA Senate has failed to ratify this important global disability treaty, created in the United Nations with advice from hundreds of advocates, including a MindFreedom International team. Let your senator know how you feel about their votes! by John Abbe, Independent Consultant MindFreedom International   On December 4th, the United States Senate failed…

MindFreedom Ireland

Info MindFreedom Ireland Document Actions Print this Founded in Cork Ireland, this affiliate of MindFreedom International is leading the way for a global nonviolent revolution! Here are just a few of the campaigns, activities and accomplishments of MindFreedom Ireland. Whether it’s lobbying the Irish government about pharmaceuticals… celebrating Mad Pride… visiting the United Nations…. publishing….…