They Got Better, and You Can, Too!

Info Baby Steps are the Way to Feel Better —Kathleen Hartman I Created an Environment I Love to Live In —Crystal D. Choate How to Survive Enough to Say, “I AM Better” —Anne Leonide Brown Wilderness Hermit Charlie’s Journey to Recovery —Charles Hughes Back From the Brink —Anne Costa It Takes a Peer to Truly Help a…

Surprising Secret Opposition to MFI’s Successful Peaceful Protest of Psychiatry on 5 May 2012

When 200 people, mainly psychiatric survivors, protested in front of the American Psychiatric Association… there was something missing. A surprising footnote to the 5 May 2012 protest in Philadelphia reveals that Dr. Allen Frances “vocally opposed” support for the event, behind the scenes. MindFreedom International News Investigation Revealed: Behind-The-Scenes “Vocal Opposition” by Psychiatrist Against MindFreedom International Protest…

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Making an automatic monthly donation provides MindFreedom International stable funding to win campaigns for human rights and alternatives in mental health. Support Us Give a one-time donation: $  –OR– Set-up monthly donation: $  for  months. On the right under “Set-up monthly donation” choose your monthly level and number of months to match your budget.  Then click “PayPal…