“intrigued and empowered a large audience” at Capitol Theater in Olympia, Washington.

On 4 March 2011, David spoke in Capitol Theater in Olympia, Washington, on the subject, “”Curing Normality: The Mental Health Revolution.” The event co-sponsored by several social change and student. Event organizer Levi Chambers said, “David appeals to academics, scientists, and the average person…” Levi Chambers organized an appearance by David W. Oaks in Olympia …

“Received standing ovation”: David Oaks keynote at key state-wide Maine event.

In October 2009, the “Advocacy Initiative Network” (AIN), a state-wide organization in Maine, had David Oaks keynote, present two workshops, staff a panel, and co-facilitate an all-day work session between the two state-wide organizations in Maine. Here’s the review from Melinda Davis, director of AIN: Maine’s statewide networking organization the Advocacy Initiative Network of Maine…

The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why?

Info Document Actions Print this A two-part review in the prestigious New York Review of Books is making waves in the mental health industry. Three recent books successfully challenge many of the myths about the psychiatric drug industry these past two decades, and are profiled in a significant piece in influential New York Review of…

The Illusions of Psychiatry (Part Two)

Info Document Actions Print this Second of a two-part review in the prestigious New York Review of Books that is making waves in the mental health industry. Three recent books that successfully challenge many of the myths about the psychiatric drug industry these past two decades are profiled. Here is Part One, with a link…

Moms Celebrate and Thank MFI Members for Their Support!

Info The M.O.M.S. Movement – a sponsor group of MindFreedom International – issued an urgent alert: Two mothers need your support now for their adult children in the psychiatric system.   Daniella Akin has endured forced and coerced drugging and abuse. Update Aleshanee and Susan, two MOMS, and their daughters, Daniella and Susan are celebrating.…