State urged to ban electroshock on minors

A publication covering the New York State legislature reports on the protest organized by electroshock survivors, calling for a ban of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on children below age of 16. MindFreedom endorsed this protest. State urged to ban electroshock on minors Date Published: Jul 19, 2009 08:00 PM Author: Jaime Fuller Source: Legislative Gazette, Albany, New York,…

ECT debate: A danger, or effective therapy?

Info Document Actions Print this The daily newspaper for Worcester, Massachusetts, USA covered the electroshock debate, citing MindFreedom and quoting two MindFreedom members in the region. Unfortunately, the piece is biased. The reporter stated as proven fact the opinion that electroshock works. The reporter makes no mention of the fact that, by psychiaty’s own definition…

Vets’ Mental Health Diagnoses Rising

Info Document Actions Print this Vets’ Mental Health Diagnoses Rising Date Published: Jul 16, 2009 08:00 PM Author: By JAMES DAO Source: The New York Times THE NEW YORK TIMES original story: A new study has found that more than one-third of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans who enrolled in the veterans health system…

David Romprey: Gateway page

This is an entry into info and updates about remembering David Romprey, including initial announcements about his death. Gateway to MindFreedom’s Area for Remembering David Romprey David Romprey was an Oregonian, psychiatric survivor, mental health consumer, advocate, community organizer, friend and supporter of MindFreedom and our social change movement. He especially remembered the most marginalized…

Welcome to the AMPLIFY Training!

Information about times, parking, accessibility, and more for the 11 June 2009 training in Eugene, Oregon. Dear Pre-Registered Participant for Training on Thurs., 11 June 2009: Welcome! Thank you for successfully pre-registering for the free, interactive training: “Building Alliances to Amplify the Voice of Mental Health Clients: Drawing on the Strengths of the Cross-Disability Movement…

Jon Duckstad, Attorney

Jon Duckstad was the court-appointed attorney for Ray Sandford. Ray feels that Mr. Duckstad has not adequately represented his interests, and in our opinion he’s correct! [update: 13 July 2009] UPDATE TO BELOW 13 July 2009: Because of public attention to Ray’s campaign and because of family support, Ray now has a new attorney. Therefore, thankfully,…