The fool on the hill

Info Document Actions Print this The Lancet, a widely-respected international medical journal, published an essay sharply critical of the psychiatric industry that reviews two books: “The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment” by Joanna Moncrieff and “Side Effects: a Prosecutor, a Whistleblower, and a Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial” by Alison…

Let Garrison Keillor Know About Minnesotan Ray Sandford’s Forced Electroshock

Info Humorist Garisson Keillor has had to tangle with the American Psychiatric Association before. You can encourage this humorist, inventor of Lake Wobegone, to speak out again, this time about Raymond Sandford of Minnesota. Garrison Keillor has tangled with psychiatry before about Lake Wobegone (credit: UMN) Update: By coincidence, a Prairie Home Companion ongoing skit…

Peaceful Protest is Theme of April MindFreedom Live Web Radio – Free

Info This Saturday, 11 April 2009, MindFreedom Live Web Radio show will have the theme of nonviolent direct action: Campaigns for peaceful protest about Ray Sandford’s ongoing electroshock, Mother’s Day electroshock protests, and protests in front of American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. Free Live Web Radio Show is hosted by MindFreedom’s executive director, David W.…

May is “Protest the Mental Health System” Month – MindFreedom Live Web Radio – Free

Info This Saturday, 9 May 2009, MindFreedom Live Web Radio show will have the theme of nonviolent direct action: Campaigns for peaceful protest about Ray Sandford’s ongoing electroshock, Mother’s Day electroshock protests, and protests in front of American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. Free Live Web Radio Show is hosted by MindFreedom’s executive director, David W.…

“Alternatives in Mental Health” on Next MindFreedom Live Web Radio – Free

Info MATTHEW MORRISSEY will co-host a special show on humane, empowering alternatives to the conventional mental health system, this Saturday, 8 August 2009. All three guests are actively involved in providing mental health alternatives: .JESSICA ARNELLA, JAYME LYNCH, LYLE MURPHY. Co-host is MindFreedom’s director and psychiatric survivor DAVID W. OAKS, also a psychiatric survivor. Listen…

MAD PRIDE is Theme of Next MindFreedom Live Web Radio – Free

Info Guests: Will Hall, recently featured in Newsweek. Psychiatric survivor Lauren Tenney on “We The People” memorial vigil for Esmin Green. Psychologist Toby Tyler Watson, new director of International Center for Study of Psychiatry and Psychology. Host: MindFreedom’s director and psychiatric survivor David W. Oaks, also a psychiatric survivor. .Listen and call live to MindFreedom…