
Mad Pride – Other Information

This folder contains information about the Mad Pride campaign that does not pertain to event announcements.

Page Mad Pride Campaign Committee
Mad Pride celebrates the creativity, strength and resilience of thehuman spirit. It provides an opportunity to empowerpsychiatric survivors and raise public consciousness about humanrights through various activities such as art, theatre, music,poetry, protests, vigils and more. Since 1999 MindFreedom has promoted Mad Pride events internationally and we have now established a Mad Pride International Coordinating Committee to launch Mad Pride around theworld.
File “Ruminations on Drugs, Madness, Mad Pride and Radical Mental Health”
In this paper, Katina Andoniadis Harvick explores the Mad Pride movement within the context of the struggle to define madness.
Article “Listening to Madness: Why some mentally ill patients are rejecting their medication and making the case for ‘mad pride.'”
Longtime mental health human rights activist and MindFreedom member Will Hall was recently the subject of an article about MAD PRIDE in Newsweek magazine.

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