MindFreedom Journal #48 available

Info Issue includes news about Global, USA, Media, Choice and Mad Pride Campaigns. Available now in paper, PDF, and plain text versions. MindFreedom Youth Committee The spring 2008 issue of MindFreedom Journal features articles about MFI’s new collaboration with PsychRights, the Youth Voices For Choices campaign, a look back at 2007 Mad Pride events, and…

MindFreedom Journal

Info MindFreedom Journal Electronic versions of the last few issues of the MindFreedom Journal are available for free to download here, as both PDF’s, and as text documents of the contents as an alternative print format. MindFreedom Journal #51 Here you may download a free sample PDF or text document of the content of MindFreedom…

MindFreedom Journal

Info MindFreedom Journal Electronic versions of the last few issues of the MindFreedom Journal are available for free to download here, as both PDF’s, and as text documents of the contents as an alternative print format. MindFreedom Journal #51 Here you may download a free sample PDF or text document of the content of MindFreedom…

MindFreedom Journal

Info MindFreedom Journal Electronic versions of the last few issues of the MindFreedom Journal are available for free to download here, as both PDF’s, and as text documents of the contents as an alternative print format. MindFreedom Journal #51 Here you may download a free sample PDF or text document of the content of MindFreedom…

Raising Doubts About Drugs

Info Document Actions Print this Washington Post ran this article about the MindFreedom hunger strike “Fast for Freedom in Mental Health.” Raising Doubts About Drugs Date Published: Aug 29, 2003 01:00 AM Author: Kimberly Edds Source: Washington Post article also published here with photo: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0830-07.htm Washington Post Calif. Hunger Strike Challenges Use of Antidepressants PASADENA,…

United Nations Disability Treaty in Effect

Info A United Nations treaty — or “convention” — on disability has been ratified by enough nations to go into effect on 3 May 2008. MindFreedom activists worked for years with hundreds of other advocates to achieve this victory. [11 May 2008 update] UN delegates Celia Brown, MFI Board President, and Janet Amegatcher, Executive Director…