Welcome to Choice in Mental Health Care Campaign

Info Learn about the goals of the MindFreedom Campaign for Choice in Mental Health Care News update: Join this campaign on 1 November in Philadelphia for an important symposium called “Creative Revolution: Mobilizing Our Healing Resources.” For more info click here: https://mindfreedom.org/campaign/choice/mfi-creative-rev-philly MFI Choice Campaign Network of Alternatives   Definition of self-directed, safe, and humane…

Welcome to Choice in Mental Health Care Campaign

Info Learn about the goals of the MindFreedom Campaign for Choice in Mental Health Care News update: Join this campaign on 1 November in Philadelphia for an important symposium called “Creative Revolution: Mobilizing Our Healing Resources.” For more info click here: https://mindfreedom.org/campaign/choice/mfi-creative-rev-philly MFI Choice Campaign Network of Alternatives   Definition of self-directed, safe, and humane…

Letters to editor in response to essay, “The Evolution of the Consumer Movement”

Info Document Actions Print this The American Psychiatric Association published a heated back-and-forth debate in the August 2006 issue of their _Psychiatric Services_ journal because of the June essay. The debate mentions MindFreedom International a number of times. The American Psychiatric Association published ten letters, including several by MindFreedom members, board and staff. Nine were…

Evolution of the Antipsychiatry Movement Into Mental Health Consumerism

Info Document Actions Print this The American Psychiatric Association published this essay in one of their official journals, Psychiatric Services, and it twists the history of the psychiatric survivor human rights movement and MindFreedom International, resulting in a torrent of letters. Evolution of the Antipsychiatry Movement Into Mental Health Consumerism Date Published: Jun 01, 2006…

MindFreedom Media Action

Info MFI is reaching the public with its own media and mainstream media. How you can work with MindFreedom as we break the silence! For some of the mainstream and alternative media coverage of MindFreedom, click here. It’s been difficult, but MindFreedom has been able to get information about our work into several larger and…

MindFreedom Media Action

Info MFI is reaching the public with its own media and mainstream media. How you can work with MindFreedom as we break the silence! For some of the mainstream and alternative media coverage of MindFreedom, click here. It’s been difficult, but MindFreedom has been able to get information about our work into several larger and…

USA Psychiatric Drug Warning!

Info Contributors: John Ryan By John Ryan, MFI Media Chair You and your family have a right to safe alternatives to psychiatric drugs. The mental health industry is targeting all Americans, especially youth. Here are two of their marketing strategies: “Mental health screening programs” for mental illness in your school and physician’s office are often…

MindFreedom Youth Initiative

Info Stay in touch with the campaign led by youth and for youth in USA (and a number of youth outside of USA) with MindFreedom International Youth Campaign.   A number of youth are working on our MindFreedom Youth Initiative. One of their  goals is to organize a youth summit. Are you interested in helping?…