Text of Ray Sandford’s Statement to Minnesota State Legislature

Filed Under: sandford Because of Ray Sandford’s campaign against his forced electroshock, the Minnesota State Legislature is holding a public hearing today on the topic of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and individuals who are committed in the state mental health system. Ray Sandford has issued a signed statement for today’s hearing. For many Wednesdays, Ray Sandford…

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: Silence about forced electroshock, but sarcasm from Ms. Miriam Woolbert

Info by David W. Oaks — last modified Jan 26, 2009 12:50 PM Filed Under: electroshock MindFreedom asked for the agency funded by taxpayers to be Ray’s “general guardian,” along with the church that owns the agency, to speak out about against forced electroshock. So far they have refused. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America [ELCA]…