Front Pageshield

July 24, 2024 Update

David was discharged from the Mayo Clinic Psychiatric Prison today to a somewhat less restrictive IRTS (Intensive Residential Treatment Services) and we have not been able to regain contact with him yet. He is supposed to have access to his cell phone there, but didn’t know if the guardian paid his bill to keep it going. We expect to regain contact in the next day or so.

He hopes not being at the hospital means they are going to stop electroshocking him against his will, but Charles Helmer and Ray Sandford were both electroshocked on an outpatient basis in Minnesota.

A review hearing to extend David’s commitment will be held via Zoom on July 31st. You may be able to attend to show your support for him. The details of the hearing are as follows:

At the last hearing a bunch of people tried to join and their screen names were changed to “Observer,” but they were never let in. Even though they were not let in, it showed the judge there are people supporting David. Maybe people will be let in this time.



July 15, 2024 Update

1:00 PM Central Time: Annie Singer has made a YouTube Video that can be shared on social media, Mayo Clinic is STILL torturing David Russell — You can help!  She also has the video on TikTok.



8:00 AM Central Time: David has now been electroshocked ten times against his will.

1. June 13, 2024
2. June 14, 2024
3. June 17, 2024
4. June 19, 2024
5. June 24, 2024
6.  July 1, 2024
7.  July 3, 2024
8.  July 5, 2024
9.  July 9, 2024
10. July 12, 2024

David has been told they are going to reduce the frequency to once a week and then maybe to once a month.  David thinks they are planning on moving him to a less restrictive setting and hoped that would mean no more electroshock, but both Charles Helmer and Ray Sandford were electroshocked against their will on an outpatient basis in Minnesota.

David was asked if he still wanted people advocating to stop electroshocking him against his will in light of the apparent lack of effect and he said yes.  In fact, it took a sustained effort to stop the electroshocking of Charles Helmer and Ray Sandford before success was achieved.

Therefore we are asking people to continue to press the Mayo Clinic, especially Dr. Schak, and Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota (Catholic Charities), which was granted dominion over David as guardian to stop the shock.  David has not been told what they are trying to accomplish with the electroshock.  The reason given in the Electroshock Order is that since David has “failed multiple neureleptic drug trials . . . [electroshock] is the next medical step.”   As far as we know is still Schak’s e-mail address and the phone number of Schak’s Medical Secretary is 507-255-2326.

Bishop Barron, the head of the archdioces and president of Chatholic Charities, can be contacted and urged to intervene to stop the shock.  We think Bishop Barron’s phone number is 507-858-1242, and his e-mail address
Bishop Barron’s X (Twitter) account has over 200,000 followers and posts and replies can be sent to .@BishopBarron asking that he intervene to stop David from being electroshocked. Bishop Barron’s YouTube Channel has over 525,000 followers and you can comment on the individual videos.

In addition, you can contact Governor Tim Walz and demand he look into the abuse of David Russel.

Additional contact information is available on David’s MindFreedom Shield Alert Page.

We are certainly open to suggestions for other actions that might be taken on David’s behalf.  If you have any, please e-mail

Please comment below sharing the actions you have taken.  The system requires us to approve comments so it may take a bit of time for it to show up.



July 1, 2024 Update

11:30 AM Central Time: Jim Gottstein talked to David and he was electroshocked against his will this morning, making it number 6 by our count.

4:00 AM Central Time: As we mentioned last time, the head of Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota, Bishop Barron, is one of the most-followed Catholics in the world on social media.  if we can get David’s Alert noticed on Bishop Barron’s social media that would be very good.  The idea is to get him to intervene to stop the electroshocking of David Russell against his will.

Bishop Barron’s Facebook Page has over 3 million followers and while you can’t post on his main page, you can comment on his posts.  It would not be surprising if these were deleted and people posting the comments were blocked, but we wonder how fast they can do that and how many of us will post there.  That they remove the posts and block people over it, can be publicized as well.   It will be interesting to see, and if you e-mail about your experience with Bishop Barron’s social media we can post it on David’s MindFreedom Shield Alert Auxiliary Page.

Bishop Barron’s X (Twitter) account has over 200,000 followers and posts and replies can be sent to .@BishopBarron pleading that he stop David from being electroshocked.  Susan Roger’s post on X can be reposted

Bishop Barron’s YouTube Channel has over 525,000 followers and you can comment on the individual videos.  One has almost 2,000 comments, so it is hard to get noticed there, but if enough comments are made that can have an impact.

Jim Gottstein’s e-mail to Bishop Barron might serve to provide talking points for your own actions in support of David, as well as the e-mails posted on David’s MindFreedom Shield Alert Auxiliary Page.

Finally, you can share Annie Singer’s TikTok Video on your social media.  It uses the F word a few times so that is a consideration of whether and where you might post it.  It is focused on getting people to contact Bishop Barron to get him to stop the electroshocking of David.

Calls and e-mails to Bishop Barron should also be continued; 507-858-1242,

Until our comment function is working reliably, please e-mail us with the actions you take so we can post them in the auxiliary pages we have set up as a work-around.  Especially if you tried to leave a comment and were stymied.  Unless you tell us otherwise, when we post your e-mails, we will remove your e-mail address.

As always, remember that David and Jill are at risk of retaliation and you are supporting them under the MindFreedom banner.  MindFreedom International does not condone threats of violence or harm.  Our mission statement is:

In a spirit of mutual cooperation, MindFreedom International aims to lead a non-violent revolution of freedom, equality, truth, and human rights in mental health care by uniting psychiatric survivors, consumers, and allies through movements for justice everywhere.

This is the spirit we want to bring to this effort. MindFreedom thanks you for your support of David.



June 26, 2024 Update

4:30 PM Central Time: An Auxiliary page has been set up for additional information and as a workaround for the comments feature not working at the present time.

2:30 PM Central Time: The Mayo Clinic is electroshocking David against his will again in spite of it causing a potentially deadly blood clot last Wednesday. The callous disregard of David’s health, and even life, is stunning.

We understand David has been subjected to five electroshocks against his will:

  1. June 13, 2024
  2. June 14, 2024
  3. June 17, 2024
  4. June 19, 2024 (Blood Clot)
  5. June 24, 2024

They were going to shock him again this morning, but there was a mix-up and he ate breakfast so they didn’t subject him to it.

A volunteer has been able to obtain some of the court filings in the commitment/electroshock case.  They are very short on facts as to why all this is being done to David.   The Electroshock Petition does state that David cannot breathe on his own during the procedure. There is also a recording of the hearing last October in the guardianship case on David’s motion for a new attorney.  His supposed lawyer essentially testifyied against David, demonstrating why David should get a new lawyer.  When David accurately says the lawyers assigned to him do nothing for him, that is attributed to the ravings of a lunatic.  We hope to get transcripts of the psychiatric imprisonment, forced drugging, and forced electroshock hearings.

Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota, which has been granted dominion over David as guardian has done nothing to protect David.  They could almost certainly have the electroshocking of David stopped.  We have asked you to contact people in its guardianship office without response, and now we are asking you to also contact the bishop of the diocese and higher ups at Catholic Charities.  Mike Hanratty who we have asked you to contact in the past should continue to be urged to do the right thing and stop David from being electroshocked.  He has the power to do so.  E-mails are good, but phone calls are better.

Bishop Robert Barron, Diocese of Winona-Rochester.
507-858-1242, or contacted through his secretary, Leandra Hubka, at

John Meyers,  Catholic Charities Executive Director

Isaac Landsteiner, Catholic Charities Director of Parish Social Ministry

Mike Hanratty, Guardian/Conservator Program Director
507-454-2270 ext. 233

You might use their Catholic Social Teachings webpage and/or Jim Gottstein’s e-mail to Bishop Barron for talking points in your phone calls and e-mails .

Let’s also try to shame Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic leadership and board of trustees on social media.

Bishop Barron’s bio says he is one of the most-followed Catholics in the world on social media.   Thus, flooding his social media could have a big impact.

3.1 million Facebook fans (
529,000 YouTube subscribers (
205,700 Twitter followers (

The commenting function on David’s Alert Page is mostly not working at the moment so, if you could e-mail to inform us of your social media posts that would be great.   Or any other actions you take to support David.  We will try to at least add the social media posts here so people can can repost them or otherwise use them to support David.  Frankly, “liking” posts does not accomplish anything in our view.  We want to shame Catholic Charities, the Catholic Church in Southern Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic as well as enlist the public in the effort to stop David from being electroshocked against his will.

Please remember that David is at risk of retaliation and you are supporting him under the MindFreedom banner.  We ask you to take this into account in your social media posts, and when you call or write.  MindFreedom’s Mission Statement is:

In a spirit of mutual cooperation, MindFreedom International aims to lead a non-violent revolution of freedom, equality, truth, and human rights in mental health care by uniting psychiatric survivors, consumers, and allies through movements for justice everywhere.

This is the spirit we want you to bring to this effort. MindFreedom thanks you for your support of David. David also always expresses his gratitude for your trying to help.



June 22, 2024 Update

First, an update on David. When he woke up Wednesday after being electroshocked for the fourth time, he had a blood clot in his arm.  This is a known effect of electroshock and can be fatal. Presumably for this reason he was not electroshocked Friday. It seems likely their plan is to resume the electroshock once the clot has dissolved so we don’t know how much of a reprieve this might be. Therefore, the pressure should be kept on.

However, it turns out the phone numbers we were provided for Schak and Zorn are their personal cell phones and people were calling in the middle of the night. Or, at least that is what Mayo’s lawyer wrote in his cease and desist letter. In our Alerts and Updates we say to to take into account you are advocating under the MindFreedom banner. We haven’t specified what that means exactly, but it doesn’t mean calling people in the middle of the night. While what Schak and Mayo are doing is reprehensible to say the least, constituting torture, MindFreedom chooses to take a higher road than Mayo. Not only do we think it is the right thing, we believe it is more effective, especially in the long run. We therefore ask that you stop calling those phone numbers.  We have gotten Mayo’s attention. You might be interested in Jim Gottstein’s response to the cease and desist letter.

Over the weekend, let’s see if we can build a social media campaign focusing on Mayo’s Leadership and Board of Trustees. The idea is to draw their attention to what Mayo is doing and ask them to stop the Mayo Clinic from electroshocking David Russell against his will, as well invite others to join this effort.  Are they pleased with being associated with an organization that is inflicting torture? “Liking” a post doesn’t accomplish this. The goal is to get wide exposure of what the Mayo Clinic is doing, garnering support, sympathy, and empathy for David. Sarah Price Hancock’s e-mail to Governor Waltz and people at the Mayo Clinic can be used to make points. So can PsychRights’ 2011 letter to the FDA.

Please put a link to your social media posts in the comments below so others can repost. Our system requires approval so it might take a bit before it shows up.

Also, again, please remember that David is at risk of retaliation and you are supporting him under the MindFreedom banner.  We ask you to take this into account in your social media posts, and when you call or write.  MindFreedom’s Mission Statement is:

In a spirit of mutual cooperation, MindFreedom International aims to lead a non-violent revolution of freedom, equality, truth, and human rights in mental health care by uniting psychiatric survivors, consumers, and allies through movements for justice everywhere.

This is the spirit we want you to bring to this effort.  MindFreedom thanks you for your support of David.  David also always expresses his gratitude for your trying to help.



June 20, 2024 Update

David Russell has been electroshocked against his will four times now: Thursday, June 13th, the very next day on Friday, June 14th, Monday June 17th, and Wednesday, June 19th. They won’t tell him how many times they are going to electroshock him, but it is likely he will be shocked again on Friday, June 21st, unless we can get it stopped.  We need to keep the pressure on.

It would be great if you would call them and demand that the Mayo Clinic quit electroshocking David Russell against his will.   It is believed Dr. Schak can have the shock stopped on her order.

Also, Catholic Charities, the guardian granted dominion over David, should not be let off the hook.  The legal rationale for overriding David’s choice not to take electroshock is he lacks capacity (is imcomptent) to make such a choice.  As his guardian, Catholic Charities is almost certainly allowed to choose that David not be electroshocked.  However, instead of exercising independent judgment, Catholic Charities is just accepting what Mayo wants to do to David.  There is a new person assigned to David by Catholic Charities, Lydia Stiehl.  Ms. Stiehl’s e-mail address is and her phone number is 507-454-2270.  It would be great if you could contact her and demand she have the shock stopped. We don’t have her extension so you will have to ask to be transferred to her.  The head of Catholic Charities guardianship program is Mike Hanratty and he should be called as well.  He is at extension 233 of the same phone number, 507-454-2270, and his e-mail address is

Jim Gottstein wrote Ms. Stiehl an e-mail that you can look at for ideas about what to say or write.  Also, Sarah Price Hancock wrote an especially excellent e-mail to Governor Waltz and people at the Mayo Clinic that can also be used for talking points.

We will appreciate it if you let us know about e-mails you send or about calls you make in the comments below.  Our system requires approval so it might take a bit before it shows up. If you have any problems, please e-mail

Also, please remember that David is at risk of retaliation and you are supporting him under the MindFreedom banner.  We ask you to take this into account when you call or write.

David always expresses appreciation for what you are doing to try to stop him from being electroshocked, as do we at MindFreedom.



June 16, 2024 Update: David is Getting Electroshocked Repeatedly

Jim Gottstein has been speaking with David most days since April 29th. Before he was electroshocked on Thursday, June 13th, David did not exhibit any memory deficits.  David did complain about the drugging affecting his thinking. After he was electroshocked against his will on Thursday David said it took him 30 minutes to remember where he was and had a splitting headache. It is believed David was electroshocked against his will again the next day, Friday. Normally, electroshock is not given two days in a row. David was very disoriented, he couldn’t remember what day it was and was unclear on when he had been electroshocked.  He was sure he had been electroshocked twice. When I talked to him later in the day, he didn’t remember he had talked to me earlier in the day. On Saturday, June 15th, David was feeling a little better, but was still having problems with his memory. Today, Sunday, June 16th, David says his memory has come back some, he is groggy and sore all over.

He understands they are going to continue to electroshock him against his will this coming week. Throughout this whole time David has said he is “scared shitless” as he saw someone being electroshocked to the point where they couldn’t talk and needed help eating. The brain damage from electroshock is cumulative, so the fewer electroshocks the better. David is a software engineer and he is legitimately worried the electroshock will make him unable to do that any more.

In addition to continuing to urge Dr. Schak to stop having David electroshocked against his will, you can contact Gianrico Farrugia, MD, Mayo’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) by e-mail mailing him at Christina Zorn is Mayo’s Chief Administrative Officer and her e-mail address might be Jim Gottstein e-mailed her, requesting a delivery receipt, which he has not received, nor has he received a bounce message.

Also, please contact Minnesota Governor, Tim Walz and ask him to have the forcible electroshocking of David Russell stopped.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz
130 State Capitol
St. Paul, MN 55155

Alternate phone numbers:

Telephone:  651-201-3400
Toll Free:  800-657-3717
Minnesota Relay:  800-627-3529

Even though it is hard to imagine things getting worse for David, please recognize that he is at risk of retaliation and you are supporting David under the MindFreedom banner, so we ask you to take these into account when you call or write.

We will appreciate it if you leave a comment below with a copy of your e-mail and/or a description of your phone call or whatever else you might have done on David’s behalf and the response, if any. Our system requires approval of comments so it will take a bit for it to show up.



June 13, 2024 Update: Tell Dr. Schak and Others to Stop the Shock

Noon Central Time: Another volunteer has identified the following Mayo Trustees’ e-mail addresses.

Jim Gottstein’s e-mail to Michael Powell, the chair of the Mayo Clinic’s Board of Trustees, might be useful in drafting e-mails to these trustees.  It might also be useful to keep in mind these are all MDs.

10:40 AM Central Time: Jim Gottstein talked to David and he was electroshocked. He said it took him 30 minutes to remember where he was, has a splitting headache and other typical negative electroshock effects.

10:20 AM Central Time: It appears Dr. Schak changed her e-mail address and it is now

10:00 AM Central Time: One of our volunteers tells us the phone number of the Medical Secretary to Dr. Schak is 507-255-2326. Calls could be made to Dr. Schak there.

3:00 AM Central Time: David Russell is scheduled to be electroshocked against his will in a few hours, presumably on the order of the psychiatrist assigned to him, Kate Schak. It is believed Schak testified in court to obtain the court order and then in the face of our efforts to stop it told David she had decided against it. On May 8th, Jim Gottstein wrote to Schak asking her to get the court order revoked (vacated) because David was concerned Dr. Schak or someone else might change their mind. That certainly proved prescient.

Jim Gottstein just wrote Dr. Schak again, demanding that she stop the shock.  She can almost certainly still stop the shock as of the time this is posted.  Please e-mail or call Dr. Schak to stop the shock. Her e-mail address is [Note: This is a bad address. Use instead.] You can also try calling her at (507) 255-5555. This is where the Mayo Clinic has locked David up. If you can’t get through to her, please leave a message for her to stop the electroshocking of David Russell.

Please leave a comment below with a copy of your e-mail and/or a description of your phone call or whatever else you might have done on David’s behalf. Our system requires approval of comments so it will take a bit for it to show up.

Thank you for your support of David.



June 12, 2024 Update
Betrayal: David to be Electroshocked Tomorrow

Today at around 2:00 PM, David was informed they are going to start electroshocking him against his will tomorrow. They wouldn’t answer any of his questions, such as how many times they plan to electroshock him, what they expect to accomplish, or even why they decided to subject him to electroshock when they had previously informed him they were not going to. David suspects it is because he has been telling them about the corruption he has knowledge of. Even if David is incorrect about the corruption, it is no justification for electroshocking him. If it is true, which probably at least some of it is, the electroshock could erase his memory about it. Electroshock is sometimes used for just this sort of purpose. David witnessed another patient who was rendered unable to talk by electroshock and is terrified of that happening to him. Whether it gets that bad or not, Electroshock always causes brain damage, usually causing at least some memory loss. It is unpredictable, but many people are brain damaged so much they can no longer engage in their profession or are otherwise disabled.

It is unlikely Mayo Clinic executives and especially trustees know about the despicable actions of their employees and this should be brought to their attention. The Chair of the Board of Trustees is Michael Powell. Powell is the President & CEO of NCTA, The Internet & Television Association, and is the former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The e-mail address we have found for him is

You can look at the e-mail Jim Gottstein sent Mr. Powell. Please let us know what you do on David’s behalf by putting it in the comments. Copying and pasting e-mails work.  The system requires us to review comments so it might take a bit of time before it shows up.

We expect to be updating this page frequently in the next day or so with additional people to contact to try and stop the Mayo Clinic from electroshocking David. It is hoped Mr. Powell, or Eric Schmidt for that matter, who ran Google for ten years and is now the executive chairman of its parent company, would not be happy about bad publicity over this. If you find information on how to contact Mr. Schmidt, or other members of the board of trustees, please let us know. It also seems like a social media campaign could be good–if we got some reach with it.  We could use some help with that, too. If you initiate or participate in a social media campaign to stop David from being electroshocked, please also put that in the comments or otherwise let us know.



May 8, 2024 Update: Success!!!–At Least for Now

David just informed us he has been told they are no longer planning to electroshock him and going to work on discharge planning to a theoretically slightly less restrictive environment. YOU HAVE DONE IT!!! There is no doubt David would have been electroshocked against his will without your efforts on his behalf. David wants everyone to know how appreciative he is. David said he called many agencies supposedly standing up for people’s rights and no one cared until he reached MindFreedom. He said he can’t believe people who don’t even know him have tried to help him. When he has a chance, he plans to thank us in the comments section.

The court order will likely still be hanging over David’s head so that is of some concern, but for now we should stand down from the advocacy. If they change their minds again David will try to let us know and we can start the advocacy again. We will also try to keep in touch with David just to make sure.

David is still trapped by the guardianship imposed on him and it would be great if he could get out from under that.



May 7, 2024 Update: Progress?

This evening David informed us his new psychiatrist, Kate Schak, who testified in favor of electroshocking David against his will on Monday, told him today they were thinking about not going forward with the electroshock. While not definitive, it does seem hopeful. We had asked the president/CEO of the Mayo Clinic to stop his organization from electroshocking David against his will on deck as the next action to take and Mr. Gottstein’s e-mail to Dr. Farrugia is in the comments below. It is still okay to e-mail Dr. Farrugia, but with the thrust being they should indeed decide not to electroshock Mr. Russell and inform him so. Dr. Farrugia’s e-mail address is probably



May 6, 2024 Update: Forced Electroshock Authorized

The court authorized the forced electroshocking of David Russell today. We understand the lawyer did not present any evidence against electroshock to rebut the untruthful testimony of the doctor. David’s statements about the harms were ignored, presumably as a product of his “mental illness,” i.e., that he was delusional in believing electroshock is harmful. There were at least eight people from MindFreedom who tried to attend the Zoom hearing, told they had been changed to observers but not let in. There were probably more who haven’t informed Jim Gottstein.  If you are one of those people, you might drop in a comment below. We are not giving up.



May 5, 2024 Update — Zoom Into Hearing?

The court hearing to authorize electroshocking David against his will is scheduled for 10:00 AM Central Time, Monday, May 6th.  We have found out it is going to be held by Zoom that one can join using ID Number 1613247575 and Pass Code 246968.  We don’t know if you will be thrown out if you join the Zoom, but it could have a salutary effect on the participants to know that people are watching what they are doing. Court rules will generally not allow you to speak. We don’t know if chat will be enabled. If it is enabled, we know it will be hard to be civil in light of what they plan to do to David, but please be courteous and respectful in spite of that.  You can comment about your experience of and observations about the hearing at the bottom of this page. Our system requires approval of comments so it may take a little while before it shows up.

It is conceivable they will cancel or postpone the court hearing at the last minute. That is what happened Thursday when there was a retention hearing scheduled on whether to continue locking up David. The last we heard, David has not been told of the reason for the delay.  Maybe his  appointed lawyer just agreed to have David continued to be locked up? However, we don’t see anything to that effect on the docket sheet.



May 2, 2024 Update

David signed a release of information to provide information to James B. Gottstein, Esq., of the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights), but they won’t honor it, saying only his guardian can. This is another reason to contact Mike Hanratty at Catholic Charities, David’s Guardian. His phone number is 507-454-2270, and his e-mail address is Jim Gottstein e-mailed Mr. Hanratty asking him to send him the Electroshock Petition and sign an Authorization for Release of Information to communicate with Jim. This e-mail is in the comments below.  So, today’s action is to contact Mr. Hanratty and demand (respectfully) that he send Mr. Gottstein the Electroshock Petition and sign an Authorization for Release of Information.  His phone number is 507-454-2270, and his e-mail address is You can post your e-mail and/or describe your phone conversation or voice mail in the comment section below. Our system requires moderation so it may take a bit for your comment to show up.



May 1, 2024 Update

At this point, the prime suspect for who filed the Electroshock Petition is Rob Morgan, the psychiatrist in charge of David where he is locked up at the Mayo Clinic. His e-mail address is We don’t have his direct phone number, but Jim Gottstein was able to reach him by calling the Unit at (507) 255-5555 and asking for Dr. Morgan. Dr. Morgan didn’t deny he had filed the Electroshock Petition and Jim asked him to withdraw it. Jim then e-mailed him, which is posted in the comments below.

Please e-mail and/or call Dr. Morgan and ask him to withdraw or dismiss the Electroshock Petition. While it is good to be firm and direct about the harm inflicted by Electroshock, please be respectful and courteous. You can then post what you e-mailed, or describe your phone call or voicemail, in the comments. If you previously  contacted Catholic Charities and have yet to post what you did in the comments, you still can.

Speaking of Catholic Charities, as David’s Guardian, it should vehemently oppose the Electroshock Petition. They should not be let off the hook even if they didn’t file the Electroshock Petition. Mike Hanratty is the Program Director of the Catholic Charities guardianship program, his phone number is 507-454-2270, and his e-mail address is



April 30, 2024 Update

Catholic Charities denies it filed the Electroshock Petition and has been asked to vehemently oppose it and to identify who did.  See, the exchange in the comment by Jim Gottstein below.



Shield Alert: Stop David Russell from being forcibly electroshocked

April 29, 2024: David Russell is terrified. He is currently a psychiatric prisoner at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and there is a court hearing scheduled for this coming Monday, May 6th, where they are on track to get a court order through a sham legal process to electroshock him against his will. David is terrified because he saw another patient who was electroshocked who now can’t even talk.

They really have David boxed in, taking his rights away through a guardianship/conservatorship and assigning him the same lawyer in both cases, who does nothing on his behalf according to David and as far as we can tell. Having a guardian means David is not allowed to make his own decisions, essentially putting him in the position of a small child with the guardian taking the place of his parents. The Conservator has control of David’s assets, including his income and bank account. David is an employed software engineer and the guardianship/conservatorship is absurd, bud sadly we see this all the time.

He is currently forced to take Zyprexa and has experienced the typical large weight gain associated with it. Zyprexa also dramatically increases the risk of diabetes. Previously, he was forced to take Risperdal, which has caused his breasts to swell up and lactate. This is called gynecomastia and is a well-established consequence of taking Risperdal.

This is all terrible and it would be great for David to be freed, both physically from psychiatric incarceration and forced drugging, and from the guardianship, but right now he desperately wants to avoid being electroshocked. We are still trying to find contact information for some of the people we would like to influence, but we do know Catholic Charities has been appointed guardian over David. The person there who is making decisions about David’s life is Brittany Dannehy whose phone number is 507-454-2270 ext. 241 and e-mail address is Mike Hanratty, is the Program Director of Catholic Charities’ euphemistically named Adult Advocacy Program and his phone number is 507-454-2270 and e-mail address is

David says he has not been given the electroshock petition, even though it is almost certainly legally required that he be given it.  We can’t know for sure, but the Minnesota statute about the Guardian’s Power (see § (c)(4)(ii)) says it is the Guardian who is to file a petition for electroshock, so it seems good to call and e-mail Ms. Dannehy and Mr. Hanratty demanding that they withdraw the petition for electroshocking David against his will.  Information on Electroshock is available here that might be useful in crafting e-mails or for phone calls. What they are planning on doing to David is truly barbarous and the United Nations has determined it can constitute torture (see ¶ 14) so it is right to be angry, but still please be courteous and respectful. If Catholic Charities did not file the Forced Electroshock Petition they can deny it and if so, should be asked who did. Please let us know.

You can leave comments below about steps you have taken and things you have learned and check back for updates.


  1. Dr. Morgan:

    As a fellow mental health professional and a concerned citizen, I implore you to stop any and all efforts to subject David Russell to electroshock. This controversial “therapy” must never, under any circumstances, be given to a unwilling patient. To do otherwise is to participate in a Soviet-style form of oppression.

    Haven’t we advanced beyond that in our pursuit of civil rights?

    In my 42 years of psychological practice, I have seen the damage inflicted by ECT. In the name of God, please come to your senses.

    Dr. Danco
    Green Brook, NJ

    • rom: martin savage
      Sent: 17 June 2024 06:26
      To: Farrugia.gianrico@mayo.rdu ; ; ; MindFreedom International
      Subject: Please stop this inhumane, brain damaging treatment of David Getting, i beg you, please show him mercy

      Dear all,

      Please read below,

      I beg you all to reconsider and show this poor tormented soul some mercy.

      All your Ancestors faced difficult lives, struggles ward and starvation so you could breath this air and walk on Gods earth, please show them respect and David and stop this, i beg you! “What you do unto others will be done to you in the next life!”
      Please see below –
      Dear Doctor,

      My name is Martin Savage and i am member of the British Neuroscience community. I am hoping to publish my article following on from the work of Paul Donald Maclean covering many aspects of Psychiatric care and Psychology later this year. Once peer reviewed, i hope this will be published in “Sage” which is a magazine circulated globally in the world of Neuroscience. I will also ne making it available on the Amazon platform for all to read.

      Quite frankly i am appalled that this antiquated so called “treatment” is being used under the guise of the patients “best Interests”

      I have been studying the brain for over a decade and electrocuting a patient to the point of causing a seizure is inhumane and serves no purpose other than to “Subdue” the patient. This procedure does not heal, it destroys brain cells.

      This is in clear Violation of the “Hippocratic oath” and if your conscious believes this to be of any benefit to the patient, this is seriously troubling.

      I beg you to reconsider this approach and consider other options.

      With kind regards
      Martin Savage

  2. Please STOP 🛑 your petition to inflict ECT on Mr David Russell

    Dear Rob

    G’day I cannot with respect say Dr because anyone who is thinking to petition to electrically shock another in the brain in my view has not really been taking the Hippocratic oath of First Do No Harm seriously in practice so does not have a title of Doctor which to me equates with someone who heals,with Consent to do so like any other medical treatment where consent is given.

    ECT does not fix a perfectly good brain that in neuro diversity is likely coming across in some cases as more intelligent to some ..a threat and different. Why?

    There is an I.T. engineer a person you will effectively be petitioning to ruin their cognition, employment , enjoyed quality of life and try to lower their expressed or obviously demonstrated intelligence and energy , why? so they are less threatening to your communication as you don’t understand the apparent difference in any social communication, their passion or supply that psychiatrists need to feel that someone is compliant to your theories? Please stop.

    I am sorry if this is seen as disrespectful to you and would prejudice you reading my view.

    So I will start again for the sake of perhaps you may read

    Dear Dr Morgan

    I am really hurt that you think it is ok to hurt others .
    Please STOP if you have a conscience and stop the narcissist attitude of superiority that psychiatry carries as none of you have the right to think you have in administration of the forced ECT and drugging of other human beings.

    Please see sense and do not electro shock a person’s brain.

    This is psychiatry gone mad with inflated opinions of self appointed medicos own egos and self appointed expertise on another , particularly in regard to not understanding other people.

    I speak from a lived experience of both supporting others through difficult times and neurodiversity and something every single person including psychiatrists struggle with maintaining: mental any aspect of health.

    We all have it.. mental health, physical health, spiritual health, emotional health,social health, occupational health..or do we?

    ECT is classified as torture under the international convention in Geneva on human is barbaric, archaic non consented to and in some powerplay called “psychiatry” is done purely to labotomise essentially inhumane and disgusting without permission.

    Psychiatry one day will be seen as perhaps a made up pseudoscience created by overzealous pharmacy students of twentieth century post war experiments at best and perhaps for a minority with choice ,a benefit to some, by Choice. However in any case where force is used in the name of medicine it is no longer medicine. If based on applying crude chemistry to delicate individually unique brains and lives serving interests of large pharmaceutical company interests and overinflated salaries and abusive systems based on power and control of others…is medicine than that kind of psychiatry is insane.

    Warning : trigger warning : mention of suicidal ideation with psychiatrists

    Psychiatrists in fact sadly have had themselves a high mental health problem. I am sorry if this is any of Mayo clinic people if so I ask you to seek psychological help, or counselling and a caring community outside your profession if this applies as I am quite sure none of you would consent to being electrically shocked yourselves under any circumstances.

    Once I read a suicide “rate” in the profession, much as butchers do reportedly also some other medical and veterinary professionals. I only mention this because there must be something in any profession that deals regularly up close and personal with destructive practices, death of sentient beings and use of surgical, chemical or electrical trauma without consent and with sadness that affects the human conscience in those that practice in these areas. If you are feeling you need help please check into your local hospital or call a crisis line.

    It is not the patients that make people sick in the professions. Nor the patients that need direction of their thoughts by chemistry it is the actual medical ecosystem harming people by including the forced drugging institutionalising, imprisoning and abusing , name calling ( labels..concocted “diagnoses”) carrying over from the previous centuries along with the archaic ECT repackaging in different words…

    Electric shocking someone’s cerebral tissue without consent is part of this dated idea of “fixing”…and other forced treatments that instinctively as a human being anyone would know is beyond their,your natural authority. There is no right whatsoever to inflict harm on another’s freedom ,brain or body with no permission or consent. You know this..first do not harm.

    When it is not consented something in the most misguided person must be the God part says:
    this is wrong.
    The still small voice I believe some call a conscience is denied and that is why you all become so bitter and angry at your patients and resentful at those that oppose the practise of forced drugging and ECT. I am calling it out.
    It’s mind rape ,it’s abuse.

    Please do not inflict torture on any more people.
    ECT is WRONG.

    Please consider that co designing any healing places that are genuinely looking to help people rather than experiment on them or shut people down would include collaboration in decision making, a stop to all court ordered power plays to control others lives and harm their brains and further traumatize people. The peer support, with informed clients you call patients would be supported in their own decision making process that would always include any patient on any of their own medical or issues where counselling , housing and social work may better assist the needs and meet the issues for the person as being the patients decision to consent. This would also include acknowledgement of people of neurodiverse views and minds that fit and think inside Boxes like psychiatry seems to want to do , repeatedly.

    “Control” based in fear
    ( psychiatry)needs to give way to “Understanding” rainforest minds ( psychology, nurture,love)
    If there is a meeting in the middle it does not include forced practices of harm touted falsely under the guise of “treatment”.

    I pray hope and wish that you will withdraw the petition to electrically shock anyone and in this plea I hold you accountable for the harm …in petitioning for any electric shock of people against their will to please reconsider the damage that can easily be prevented please.
    Only a completely indifferent person or worse could petition this.

    May God bless you with the wisdom to do Good

    With grave concern
    Kind regards
    Inclusively with neurodiversity
    Claire Gaudry

  3. my email is as follows:
    withdraw or dismiss the Electroshock Petition for david
    1 message
    nayan savla Thu, May 2, 2024 at 11:31 AM
    I am writing in regards to David Russell who is being forcibly held in the psychiatric unit at
    Mayo Clinic. Ideally, David should be set free. However, my main objective in reaching out
    to you today is to demand that his hearing on Monday be cancelled and that you will no
    longer pursue giving David ECT’s against his will.
    David is a bright man. He has a college education and has been employed as a white
    collar professional in software engineering. These accomplishments alone indicate that
    David is more than capable of deciding what he needs to ease his emotional distress and
    he says it is not ECT.
    David is rightfully concerned about the effects ECT will have on his brain. According to the
    UK National Association of Mental Health ( research is unclear on how ECT
    affects the brain – including how it affects your mental health. Professionals cannot even
    come to an agreement as to whether ECT is even beneficial — a fact I find to be
    alarming. ECT often ends in memory loss. As if memory loss wasn’t enough ECT may
    result in a person’s inability to remember new information. Not being able to learn new
    information would impede a person’s ability to pursue future employment, a career or to
    pursue further education. Does any human being have the right to do this to another? Do
    we have the right to play God with another person’s brain? Do we have the right to
    incapacitate a person to the point that they can no longer pursue a career? Being able to
    remember new information is exactly what is required to find gainful employment and to
    live a fulfilling life from day to day.
    ECT causes electroporation leading to cell membrane damage leading to cell death. Due
    to the high voltages involved in ECT there is only limited cell repair. Even contact with
    minor voltage pulses can lead to deep tissue injuries. Do we have the right to injure
    someone’s brain? Do we have the right to determine the trajectory of his future by
    damaging his brain? Where is David’s right to self determination as a US citizen under the
    US Constitution?

    Being psychiatrically incarcerated is challenging enough but to force David to undergo
    ECT’s is a serious escalation of his situation. Psychiatric survivors who have been
    subjected to forced ECT describe it as a terrifying form of torture. There is a tremendous
    amount of evidence about this on the Electroshock Page at the Law Project for
    Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights) and you might want to particularly refer to PsychRights
    and Committee for Truth in Psychiatry submission to FDA opposing reclassification of
    electroshock machines, dated March 25, 2016.
    Similarly, if the hearing goes forward, I have no doubt untruthful testimony in support of
    the Electroshock Petition will be presented.
    Therefore, this is also to restate and reiterate my request that you withdraw or dismiss the
    Electroshock Petition

  4. Due to the urgency of this matter, Mayo Clinic must reassess their decision to involuntarily administer electroconvulsive therapy to David Russell. As stated in an email to Dr. Morgan, extensive scientific research exposes these types of treatments as extremely barbaric and archaic. Given the incremental insight provided from many academic disciplines concerning neurological disorders and mental disturbances, institutional psychiatry and all its constituents now bear a great responsibility in making ethical decisions concerning treatment options.
    * Respect for Autonomy (self-determination),
    * Beneficence (do good),
    * Non-maleficence (do no harm),
    * Justice (fairness),
    * Fidelity (keep promises), and
    * Veracity (tell the truth).

    Dr. Peter Breggin, Dr. Thomas Szasz, Dr. Martin Harrow, and so many other psychiatrists have dedicated years to debunking the efficacy of psychiatric drugs, lobotomies, electroconvulsive therapies, and other invasive treatments that only damage brain tissue. Standing before the great precipice of a developing anomie, Mayo Clinic must reweigh their therapy protocol given the longstanding availability of alternative holistic treatments proven by Orthomolecular Psychiatry since the 1950s. Knowledge makes people accountable for their actions/decisions. Again, ignorance is no excuse.

  5. From: Jim Gottstein [] 
    Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 2:51 PM
    Subject: David Russell 

    Dear Dr. Morgan

    This is to memorialize and follow-up on our telephone conversation earlier today about your patient David Russell.  I have been informed by Mr. Russell that he signed an Authorization for Release of Information today to provide me with information, presumably to answer my questions and provide documentation.  I understand documents go through the records department, but since the hearing on the Electroshock Petition is Monday morning time is of the essence.  I am therefore requesting (demanding) you provide me with the Electroshock Petition.   This can include directing Records to immediately get it to me.  I understand you might not want to e-mail it for privacy reasons and can (hopefully) fax it.

    While, I have not yet been provided a copy to review, I would be extremely surprised if it contains accurate information about the damage caused by Electroshock or its supposed benefit.  There is a tremendous amount of evidence about this on the Electroshock Page at the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights) and you might want to particularly refer to PsychRights and Committee for Truth in Psychiatry submission to FDA opposing reclassification of electroshock machines, dated March 25, 2016.   

    Similarly, if the hearing goes forward, I have no doubt untruthful testimony in support of the Electroshock Petition will be presented.

    Therefore, this is also to restate and reiterate my request that you withdraw or dismiss the Electroshock Petition.  


    James B. (Jim) Gottstein, Esq.

    Law Project for Psychiatric Rights
    406 G Street, Suite 206
    Anchorage, Alaska  99501  USA
    (907) 274-7686 

    The Law Project for Psychiatric Rights is a public interest law firm whose mission is to mount a strategic litigation campaign against forced psychiatric drugging and electroshock.  We are further dedicated to exposing the truth about these drugs and the courts being misled into ordering people to be drugged and subjected to other brain and body damaging interventions against their will.  Due to the massive psychiatric drugging of children and youth, PsychRights has made attacking this problem a priority.  Children are virtually always forced to take these drugs because it is the adults in their lives who are making the decision.  This is a national tragedy of immense proportions.  PsychRights is seeking sufficient funding to increase its impact.  See, Getting to the Next Level.

  6. From: Andrea Barnes
    Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 9:36 AM
    To: Brittany Dannehy
    Subject: David Russell

    Dear Ms Dannehy,

    I am writing in regards to David Russell who is being forcibly held in the psychiatric unit at Mayo Clinic. Ideally, David should be set free. However, my main objective in reaching out to you today is to demand that his hearing on Monday be cancelled and that you will no longer pursue giving David ECT’s against his will.

    David is a bright man. He has a college education and has been employed as a white collar professional in software engineering. These accomplishments alone indicate that David is more than capable of deciding what he needs to ease his emotional distress and he says it is not ECT.

    David is rightfully concerned about the effects ECT will have on his brain. According to the UK National Association of Mental Health ( research is unclear on how ECT affects the brain – including how it affects your mental health. Professionals cannot even come to an agreement as to whether ECT is even beneficial — a fact I find to be alarming. ECT often ends in memory loss. As if memory loss wasn’t enough ECT may result in a person’s inability to remember new information. Not being able to learn new information would impede a person’s ability to pursue future employment, a career or to pursue further education. Does any human being have the right to do this to another? Do we have the right to play God with another person’s brain? Do we have the right to incapacitate a person to the point that they can no longer pursue a career? Being able to remember new information is exactly what is required to find gainful employment and to live a fulfilling life from day to day.

    ECT causes electroporation leading to cell membrane damage leading to cell death. Due to the high voltages involved in ECT there is only limited cell repair. Even contact with minor voltage pulses can lead to deep tissue injuries. Do we have the right to injure someone’s brain? Do we have the right to determine the trajectory of his future by damaging his brain? Where is David’s right to self determination as a US citizen under the US Constitution?

    Being psychiatrically incarcerated is challenging enough but to force David to undergo ECT’s is a serious escalation of his situation. Psychiatric survivors who have been subjected to forced ECT describe it as a terrifying form of torture. They often describe the lack of agency and lack of power itself to be overwhelming. Sadly, I know this to be true from personal experience.

    I was subjected to forced ECT’s. The trauma of forced ECT’s haunts me to this day and will follow me to my death. Prior to the ECT’s my husband, children and I were temporarily living in Morocco. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. After experiencing a poisonous spider bite that took a year and a half to recover I broke down from the stress of it all and my doctor subjected me to forced ECT. I still have nightmares and probably always will but worse of all I lost all memories of living in Morocco. I lost all memories of my children at 4 and 6 enjoying Morocco. That was 24 years ago and I still grieve. And the older I get the more I grieve the loss of that year in Morocco with my precious family more and more. I find the closer one gets to the end of their lives, memories become far more valuable than objects and the size of one’s bank account. It’s beautiful memories of the past that can give us the strength to face the adversities of getting old. Memories are what gives our lives meaning. It is morally and ethically wrong to alter someone’s brain through ECT’s so that they forget some of the happiest moments of their lives — the very things that give life meaning. It’s an affront against God and Nature.

    My mother lost her father at the age of 16. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage during an ECT that was being administered to him against his will — leaving my grandmother with a newborn and seven other children to raise with no life insurance. The trauma of his murder by ECT continues to be passed down from one generation to the next. I never knew my grandfather but I feel the trauma of his death to this day and so do my adult children. I pray that my grandson will be spared the inner generational trauma of his great great grandfather’s death by ECT.

    Pope Francis demands all healthcare workers treat patients as individuals, not numbers or cases. He states that any medical practice or intervention be painstakingly evaluated to see if it actually respects life and human dignity. Tinkering with people’s brains is neither dignifying nor respectful of life. David Russell is a child of God after all. I see zero respect for David’s dignity and life by violently forcing him to receive ECT’s that he has a right as a child of God to oppose.

    The United Nations Commission on Mental Health and Human Rights condemns the use of forced institutionalization and treatment and noted that it may amount to torture. The commission warns of people losing their legal capacity causing them to fall below legal purview through third party (Conservatorship) giving consent to subject their client to forced ECT and institutionalization. According to the UN, a third party giving consent for his or her client to endure unwanted ECT may very well constitute torture. As a Roman Catholic I see nothing pro life nor dignifying in forcing a man to endure ECT’s that will damage his brain and possibly alter the course of his entire life. I see nothing Christian or moral about that. As a Catholic I agree with Pope Francis’ call for life affirming care and for respecting the dignity of individuals. I ask you, are you truly respecting the dignity of David’s life, as Pope Francis calls us to do by forcing him to undergo ECT.

    David may be under a conservatorship but we will not let him be forgotten nor leave him isolated and alone. We, at MindFreedom, care about David Russell.

    As an individual who has been greatly harmed by ECT and as a Catholic I expect anyone employed by Catholic Charities to adhere to the values of Pope Francis. Forcing David Russell to undergo ECT’s he doesn’t want is not honoring David as a human being. It is not honoring the UN’s conclusion that to give someone ECT against their will constitutes torture and that is not honoring the teachings of Pope Francis. Therefore I am demanding you withdraw the petition of yours for the forced ECT of David Russell.

    Andrea Barnes

  7. Do Not Force Shock Treatments on David Russell! Shock treatments and forced medication are Torture for Human Beings! It was not clear how or why he was admitted to Mayo, but I can only assume that it was Also forced on him!
    I was conned into getting shock treatments – more than 25 of them – under threat that they (Region’s Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota) would and could hold me until I succumbed to this abuse. I was a prisoner, actually behind locked doors. I did not commit any crime and was forcibly put into that hospital. I was doing no harm to myself or anyone else!
    Stop This Abuse!

  8. I wrote an email yesterday and haven’t heard back.

    Addressed To: Brittany Dannehy, Mike Hanratty, and Senator Carla Nelson of Minnesota

    Hello, I am a previous donor to Catholic Charities and today, I read about forced electroshock being done at the Minnesota Mayo Clinic after Catholic Charities filed a petition for it to be done. The person, David Rusell does not want to receive Electroshock or to be on a guardianship or to be in a mental hospital at all. He is a software engineer, like me. What did he do wrong? How long has he been locked up? What are the asserted grounds of dangerousness? Please withdraw the ECT petition or let me know who filed it. What would Jesus do? Thank you.
    more info:

  9. From: Jim Gottstein
    Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 2:00 PM
    Subject: Re: David Russell

    Dear Mr. Hanratty,

    It was not Mr. Russell who identified Catholic Charities as the Petitioner, but I. Mr. Russell informed me that he had not been provided a copy of the Electroshock Petition and wasn’t sure who had filed it. That surprises me because it should be legally required, but I don’t know if perhaps under Minnesota law serving Catholic Charities suffices because it is David’s guardian. Mr. Russell reports his putative attorney does not provide him with information, which is consistent with my experience in other situations.

    I saw that under Minnesota Statute 524.5-313(c)(iv)(i),

    no guardian may give consent for . . . electroshock . . . unless the procedure is first approved by order of the court

    and under 524.5-313(c)(iv)(ii),

    a guardian who believes [Electroshock] to be necessary for the proper care of the person subject to guardianship, shall petition the court for an order,

    so I concluded, apparently incorrectly, that Catholic Charities filed the Electroshock Petition. The MindFreedom Shield Alert for Mr. Russell states we did not know for sure if Catholic Charities filed the Electroshock and if you didn’t you could deny it and inform us who did (“If Catholic Charities did not file the Forced Electroshock Petition they can deny it and if so, should be asked who did”). Your citation of the Alert omits this, which seems deliberate.

    Mr. Russell may have already signed an Authorization for Release of Information directing that information be provided to me and the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights).

    Please provide me with a copy of the Petition, or at least advise us who filed it.

    The larger picture is as guardian, if you did not file the Electroshock Petition, you should vehemently oppose it and request the petitioner withdraw or dismiss the Electroshock Petition.

    You should know that the United Nations has concluded Electroshock can constitute torture in violation of International Law. See, UN Human Rights Council. (19 June 2020). “Mental Health and Human Rights: Resolution 43/13 Adopted 19 June 2020.” A/HRC/RES/43/13. Geneva: United Nations; UN Human Rights Council. (20 Mar 2020). Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: Report of the Special Rapporteur. A/HRC/43/49. Geneva: United Nations; Méndez, Juan E. (4 Mar 2013). “Statement By Mr. Juan E Méndez, Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 22nd Session of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations.” Geneva: United Nations. See also the related Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Juan E. Méndez (2013), A/HRC/22/53. Geneva: United Nations.

    I have spoken with David a number of times and he is terrified of being electroshocked. His terror is warranted. Please prevent your ward from being subjected to this barbaric intervention.

    Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

    James B. (Jim) Gottstein, Esq.

    Law Project for Psychiatric Rights
    406 G Street, Suite 206
    Anchorage, Alaska 99501 USA
    (907) 274-7686

    The Law Project for Psychiatric Rights is a public interest law firm whose mission is to mount a strategic litigation campaign against forced psychiatric drugging and electroshock. We are further dedicated to exposing the truth about these drugs and the courts being misled into ordering people to be drugged and subjected to other brain and body damaging interventions against their will. Due to the massive psychiatric drugging of children and youth, PsychRights has made attacking this problem a priority. Children are virtually always forced to take these drugs because it is the adults in their lives who are making the decision. This is a national tragedy of immense proportions. PsychRights is seeking sufficient funding to increase its impact. See, Getting to the Next Level.

    From: “Michael Hanratty”
    Sent: 4/30/24 3:03 PM
    To: “”
    Subject: David Russell

    An individual under our guardianship has submitted false information on your shield action page. It is cited to “call and e-mail Ms. Dannehy and Mr. Hanratty demanding that they withdraw the petition for electroshocking David against his will.” Catholic Charities did not petition and would not petition for electroconvulsive therapy. We would ask that the post for the shield alert be removed immediately. Thank you.

    Mike Hanratty, NCG
    Adult Advocacy Program Director
    Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota
    PO Box 379, Winona MN 55987
    Phone: (507) 454-2270, Ext 233
    Fax: (507) 457-3027

    This email information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and contains information that is CONFIDENTIAL. Further, this information may be protected by federal law relating to confidentiality prohibiting any further disclosure. If the reader of this email is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by email at and destroy this transmission.

  10. I am a female software engineer and it is very often this population is misjudged because it is very often that we suffer from autism spectrum and ADHD. We are often exploited for our earning potential. Please help this gentleman. I was given forced treatment for bipolar I don’t have. Please stop them from doing this. They need legal consequences for harassing this population.

    • Dear Esther, thank you for your support of David’s human rights. You are right to draw people’s attention to the disproportionate number of neurodivergent folk who are often subjected to harmful, psychiatric interventions for behavior which others find unconventional or for beliefs which are unshared. MindFreedom International is in solidarity with any person who self identifies with or is perceived by others to have a disability (physical, intellectual, developmental, psychiatric, or psycho social) and who is subjected to an unwanted guardianship or other substitute decision making arrangement which denies the individual any say so in their own medical treatment. As Ron Bassman PhD ( former MindFreedom Executive Director and psychiatric survivor) used to say “Forced treatment is an oxymoron!”

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