Everyone who can will be sending positive energy, good thoughts, love, and prayers towards David & Family, wishing him a speedy recovery!
What this means is: David & Family need our support!
There’s a number of things that we as MindFreedom can do to support him, including moving MindFreedom’s activism and non-violent revolution in mental health care forward.
But we can also send him our positive energy, good thoughts, love, and prayers!
To that end, we’re setting aside a special day — Monday, December 10th — as an around-the-world, official MindFreedom DAY FOR DAVID. MindFreedom members and supporters will take time out to meditate on a good outcome for David and his family, in whatever way feels comfortable to them.
Here are some ways you can participate in the December 10th DAY FOR DAVID:
- Set aside time to pray/meditate on a speedy recovery for David and comfort for his family and friends.
- Fast for part or all of the day in honor of David (remember the MFI Hunger Strike he lead in 2003?)
- Write a letter or card to David and his family, letting them know you’re thinking of them.
(Cards can be sent to the MindFreedom office: 454 Willamette St. Eugene, OR 97401 or to David’s house: 2000 City View, Eugene, OR 97405)
Let’s send David & Family the message that we — MindFreedom members and supporters — are behind him 100%!
(photo at right: David doing what he loves best! Participating in an electroshock protest at Alternatives Conference 2012 in Portland, OR.)