Chemical Imbalance Fraud
Advertisements for SSRIs May Be Misleading
- Medscape reviews an essay in a peer-reviewed medical journal that debunks the “chemical imbalance” myth promoted by psychiatric drug industry.
Researchers Debunk Psychiatry’s ‘Chemical Imbalance’ Ads
- A peer-reviewed medical journal runs an essay showing that claims by psychiatric drug industry about a “chemical imbalance” are unproven.
More media articles about fraud in psychiatric drug ads
- Wall St. Journal, United Press International, WebMD and Time Magazine Pacific all cover the story that researchers have debunked the “chemical imbalance” claim of psychiatric drug manufacturers.
- MindFreedom Editorial: What is a “pharmentalist”? A pharmaceutical fundamentalist believes we can reduce some of life’s most complex problems down to a simple level of a genetically-caused chemical imbalance. This “pharmentalism” can be harmful to our planet’s health.
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