Mad poems by Liz Purcell
Liz Purcell is a freelance writer, psychiatric survivor, and longtime sober alcoholic. She is also the author of Seeds of Sobriety: Practical Daily Readings for Alcoholics and Addicts (Outskirts Press, 2006).
Seeds of Sobriety: Practical Daily Readings for Alcoholics and Addicts
- A nonreligious daily reading book for alcoholics and addicts featuring the sobriety priority.
Lab Rat
- A poem about the abuse of patients in mental hospitals.
- A poem about how some people get depressed or “mentally ill” as a safe way to resist certain social roles and stereotypes.
- A poem about the hypocrisy of people who abuse someone, then criticize that person for showing the effects of their abuse.
- A poem assuming a social versus a medical cause for mental upset.
Tommy Doesn’t Play Much Anymore
- A poem about the psychiatric drugging of children.
What’s Wrong With Bess?
- A poem about how various family members abuse one member in the family, and then make that person out to be the mentally ill one because of how s/he reacts to their abuse.
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