
MindFreedom Members, Marcela Musgrove, Leticia Villarreal Sosa, and colleague Madalyn Marcus, are working on a special issue of The Journal of Participatory Medicine on Mental Health. They are seeking diverse perspectives from participatory research, opinion pieces, book reviews, writings by survivors/consumers, etc.

The Journal of Participatory Medicine (JoPM) is looking for submissions from mental health consumers & psychiatric survivors.

[Below news release supplied by MFI members who are responsible for content.]


For more information please read the Call for Papers.

Journal of Participatory Medicine:

Special Issue on Mental Health  


Call for Papers for consumers, practitioners, caregivers, researchers and all interested in mental health issues

Participatory medicine is centered around the concept that “e-patients” (meaning equipped, enabled, empowered and engaged), are valued by their providers as full partners.

The Internet and social media have provided “e-patients” with the opportunity to obtain health information online and connect with others who are also experiencing a similar health condition. Within mental health, there is a long history of consumer involvement with efforts such as Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) and National Alliance for Mentally Ill’s (NAMI) peer to peer education programs as well as cross-disability activists like Judi Chamberlin and researchers engaged in participatory methods with the mental health community.

Different issues emerge in the mental health context such as stigma, lack of trust and in extreme circumstances, forced treatment, which may serve to delay treatment access or prevent “e-patients” from being actively engaged in their treatment. When they receive treatment, it also becomes vital to explore the collaboration between all professionals providing mental healthcare services including therapists, doctors, nurses, and social workers. We hope in this special issue to elicit contributions that will open discussion and establish mental health within the wider participatory medicine community.

New Flexible deadline: February 15  ( ~4-6 weeks for response)

Submission Categories:

Research Articles, Reviews, Case Studies, Narratives, Commentary, Letters to the Editor, Innovations in Participatory Medicine, Books & Literature, On the Web, Conference Reports
See for specific guidelines concerning word count and expected components for each category

Possible suggested topics:

  • -How “e-patients” and participatory medicine fit into mental health
  • -Participatory action research/design with the mental health community
  • -Relationships and collaboration between health professionals (general practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, therapists, social workers, naturopaths, pharmacists, etc), caregivers, and consumers in mental health care treatment
  • -Integrative care, WRAP, recovery/empowerment approaches, peer support groups
  • -Shared decision making in addressing specific mental health issues such as trauma, use of medications, first psychotic episode, etc.
  • -Historical perspectives on mental health activism, overlap with disability and neurodiversity movements
  • -Technology innovations, online communities, social media, mood management software
  • -Finding mental health information on the internet
  • -Persuasive technology in behavioral change
  • -Trust, compliance, stigma, labels, cultural factors
  • -Reports on conferences such as NAMI, Alternatives, Ubihealth, Medicine 2.0, Mental Health Camps
  • -Mental health blog and book reviews
  • -Personal accounts from mental health e-patients/consumers

For more information please contact organizers: Marcela Musgrove,; Leticia Villarreal Sosa,; or Madalyn Marcus,

The Journal of Participatory Medicine (JoPM), the online peer-reviewed, open access publication of the Society for Participatory Medicine, has a mission to transform the culture of medicine from a delivery system driven by clinicians to a shared enterprise, by publishing content that demonstrates whether and how patient participation helps to achieve better health outcomes.

JoPM presents articles and multimedia content by both health care professionals and consumers, in keeping with participatory medicine’s cooperative health care model that encourages, supports and expects active involvement by all parties. This journal is the result of the belief that health care must involve much more active collaboration between patients and providers. For more information about JoPM, visit:

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