Psychiatric Drugs
A variety of information about psychiatric prescribed medications, including neuroleptic brain damage, deaths and psychiatric drugs, and resources about quitting psychiatric drugs.
- “Antidepressants’ include psychiatric drugs such as SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) such as Prozac and Zoloft.
- Information about traditional and atypical neuroleptic drugs, also known as “anti-psychotics.”
Quitting Psychiatric Drugs Info Compiled by MindFreedom
- Suggestions, ideas and tips for those who are choosing to stop taking prescribed psychiatric drugs. Disclaimer: MindFreedom is pro-choice and is not making a recommendation on your personal health care decisions. Nothing here is meant to be medical advice. Author of each item is responsible for content.
Psychiatric Drugs and Death
- The high mortality rate for those who have a diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder may be related to the hazardous levels and types of psychiatric drugs that are often prescribed.
Mind Over Meds
- Here is an article from Sunday NY Times about regrets of a psychiatrist and author, Daniel Carlat.
Robert Whitaker’s new book takes on mental health myths about psychiatric drugs.
- The new book by journalist Bob Whitaker — Anatomy of an Epidemic — challenges the massive psychiatric drugging inundating our society. He also spotlights MindFreedom’s activism more than once as a model of effectiveness.
“Undue influence of pharmaceutical industry” opposed by USA mental health consumer/psychiatric survivor leaders.
- Key national mental health consumer/psychiatric survivor leaders at a national USA federal meeting on mental health consumer and psychiatric survivor inclusion issued a statement of “alarm” about the “undue influence of the psychiatric pharmaceutical industry,” and the “urgent necessity for more non-drug alternatives in mental health care.” Speaking for themselves as individuals, and not on behalf of the government, 18 of the 19 participants signed the statement.
Robert Whitaker photo
- Author of Anatomy of an Epidemic
Should Bob Whitaker be allowed to speak at federally-funded Alternatives Conference?
- All about controversy of whether Bob Whitaker should be allowed to speak as a keynoter at the annual conference funded by the US government, “Alternatives 2010.”
The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why?
- A two-part review in the prestigious New York Review of Books is making waves in the mental health industry. Three recent books successfully challenge many of the myths about the psychiatric drug industry these past two decades, and are profiled in a significant piece in influential New York Review of Books. Here is Part One, with a link to Part Two.
The Illusions of Psychiatry (Part Two)
- Second of a two-part review in the prestigious New York Review of Books that is making waves in the mental health industry. Three recent books that successfully challenge many of the myths about the psychiatric drug industry these past two decades are profiled. Here is Part One, with a link to Part Two.
An advertisement for the psychiatric drug Prozac.
- This ad was used as an illustration in an article published by the New York Review of Books.
List of books critical of psychiatric drugs
- Long-time activist Don Weitz has composed this list of his favorite books critical of psychiatric drugs.
The end of the psychopharmacological revolution
- The editor of a prestigious mental health industry publication – the British Journal of Psychiatry – claims it is time to “call for an end” to the psychiatric drug “revolution” that he said began in 1952. He mentions problems with the neuroleptic drugs (also called ‘antipsychotics’) but note he leaves out the lobotomy effect of structural brain changes such as frontal lobe shrinkage, well known to be linked to long-term high-dosage neuroleptics.
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