Resources, books, publications, reviews
Here are reviews and listings of books, publications on human rights and alternatives in the mental health system.
Book Review: Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry
- Ron Bassman (pictured here) is a psychologist, a survivor of extreme psychiatric human rights violations, and an author. Ron reviews the book Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry.
Ron Bassman, PhD
- Ron Bassman is author of the new book, A Fight to Be: A Psychologist’s Experience from Both Sides of the Locked Door, available in the MindFreedom madmarket at
Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs Guide
- Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs Guide created by The Icarus Project and Freedom Center.
NEWS: MindFreedom Launches All-New MadMarket
- 1 May 2008: An all-new MadMarket is launched! The MadMarket has hard-to-get books, DVD’s and gear about changing the mental health system. Proceeds support the human rights campaigns of MindFreedom International.
Bibliography of First-Person Narratives of Madness In English (4th edition)
- The most recent edition of a comprehensive bibliography concerning (1) personal accounts of madness written by survivors themselves; (2) narratives written by family members; (3) anthologies and critical analyses of the madness narrative genre; and (4) websites featuring oral histories and other first-person madness accounts. Prepared by Gail A. Hornstein with assistance from Cheryl McGraw, Catherine Riffin, and Moriah Silver.
New Bibliography of Personal Accounts of Madness
- The most recent edition of a comprehensive bibliography on personal accounts of madness is now available.
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