Judi’s Room: Ron Bassman, Kristina Kapp, and Peter Stastny to discuss Survivors and Families Empowered (SAFE) on March 6th 2024

About This Event • Date: Wednesday, March 6th 2024 • Time: 3:00 PM Pacific | 4:00 PM Mountain | 5:00 PM Central | 6:00 PM Eastern & Atlantic Standard | 6:00 AM Eastern Australia | 7:00 PM Brazil Standard | 11:00 PM UK • Platform: Zoom • Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82375518189   About the Topic From SAFE‘s…

event logo by Amy Smith depicting a house with a heart with accompanying text: peer respite soteria summit

International Peer Respite and Soteria House Summit: Creating Compassionate Alternatives for People in Crisis and Distress

International Peer Respite and Soteria House Summit: Creating Compassionate Alternatives for People in Crisis and Distress The Summit will be held every Sunday in October October 3 – 31, 2021 The Soteria House and peer respite models are both ways of supporting individuals in extreme states. Both models allow individuals to stay voluntarily in a…

Medicating Normal Poster

Medicating Normal is a ground-breaking new documentary exposing the dangers of psychiatric drugs, intended to ignite a long overdue community conversation about how we support people in distress.

MindFreedom International invites you to join us for an online community screening of Medicating Normal, a must-see film for psychiatric survivors, their allies, and everyone who longs for the existence of universally accessible, non-drug/non-force alternatives in their communities to support people in distress. Medicating Normal, is A 76 minute documentary film exploring our current mental…