To Dialogue or Not to Dialogue (With Anyone)?

Info Filed Under: activism MindFreedom is encouraging mediated dialogue and negotiation with organizations representing psychiatric and other mental health professionals, under some circumstances. What do you think? MindFreedom worked with several other mental health consumer and psychiatric survivor organizations to provide representatives to attend a meeting of the World Psychiatric Association in Dresden, Germany in…

Medical articles on neuroleptic brain damage

Info These are a few of the many mainstream medical articles indicating that using neuroleptic psychiatric drugs (also known as antipsychotics) can lead to significant structural brain damage. Brain Damage Associated with Neuroleptic Drug Treatment: The below was compiled by several sources by the late psychiatrist Loren Mosher, MD. For more on this citations click…

Neuroleptics shrink brains in monkeys

Info In this study, both an older neuroleptic (Haldol or “haloperidol”) and a newer atypical neuroleptic (Zyprexa or “olanzapine”) caused significant shrinkage in the higher level parts of the brains in monkeys. Source: Neuropsychopharmacology 9 March 2005 Haldol, Olanzapine Cause Brain Shrinkage in Monkeys Three groups of six macaque monkeys each were exposed to oral…