MindFreedom reaches ‘matching grant’ limit

Info 30 July 2008: MindFreedom has reached the total limit for the Helios “matching grant” for new members before the deadline, thank you for your support. Helios Resource Network foundation is matching new donations to MindFreedom International for a limted time only. Thank you to all those who supported MindFreedom during this matching grant, which…

May 2008 Protests of Electroshock

Info Electroshock — also known as electroconvulsive therapy — was protested by MindFreedom members in Cork, Ireland; Ottawa, Canada; Montreal, Canada. Here are brief reports from each. MindFreedom Ireland in Cork, Ireland on 3 May 2008 protesting electroshock. BELOW are reports from three May 2008 electroshock protests: Cork, Ireland (photo in upper right); Ottawa, Canada;…