Mad Pride events that took place in Toronto in 2007.
Toronto Mad Pride 2007 Poster
- You may download an MS Word poster with Toronto’s Mad Pride 2007 events here.
Mad Pride Toronto 2007
- A young man gives a funny preview for the “Bed Push” for Mad Pride 2007 in Toronto, Canada.
Toronto Psychiatric Survivor Day (Toronto, Canada, from Sep 29, 2007 11:00 AM to Sep 29, 2007 04:00 PM)
- In Toronto, Canada, 29 September 2007 is celebrated as Psychiatric Survivor Pride Day by the Mad Pride Toronto Organizing Committee. Here is their ‘save the date’ announcement.
The Friendly Spike Theatre Band’s Holiday at the Movies (Toronto, Canada, from Dec 14, 2007 06:30 PM to Dec 14, 2007 09:30 PM)
- An evening of Mad Pride films produced by a variety of theater and student groups.
Toronto Mad Pride Bed Push 2007 Video
- “The Bed Push has been around for 10 years and this is the first time it’s been an international celebration. The Push symbolizes empowerment to people of all walks of life, and speaks up about people that have been labeled for too long.”
An online video of MadPride event in Toronto in 2007
- Here’s a professionally-made video you may view online of the MadPride event in Toronto in 2007.
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