VICTORY: Forced Electroshock of Glen K. in a New York Psychiatric Institution Halted!

Info Within 48 hours of the launch of a MindFreedom Alert Campaign, the Attorney General for New York announced that Glen K. will receive no more forced electroshock under his court order. Rockland Psychiatric Center was giving involuntary electroshock over and against Glen’s expressed wishes. Despite his psychiatrist’s pessimistic predictions, Glen K. did well without…

The 10 Warning Signs of Normality

Are you suffering from normality? Read about the Ten Warning Signs of “Normality” by Janet Foner, MindFreedom Board Member and psychiatric survivor activist. Mad scientists are working around the clock to discover the cure for “normality,” a serious and persistent “chronic mental illness” afflicting much of the general population.  MindFreedom International, an alliance led by…