Bed Push Tips

Info Rufus in England has helped organize several successful “Bed Pushes,” where a group in costume pushes a bed (often with a manequin tied down in four-point restraint) through the streets, escaping from the psychiatric system. The Bed Pushes in UK have won national publicity on the BBC. Now Bed Pushes are planned in Germany,…


Info Australia Successful Mad Pride events in Australia in 2007 No albums or photos uploaded yet. Australia Mad Pride 2007 News Release Here’s a news release from Australia about their successful 2007 Mad Pride events in Sydney. Australia October 2007 Mad Pride Event Here’s a “save the date” announcement from the Australia Mad Pride event…

MFI Calls for Investigations of Neuroleptic (Antipsychotic) Drugs

Info More and more mainstream media and research studies are exposing extreme hazards and human rights violations associated with the prescription of antipsychotic psychiatric drugs, which are also known as neuroleptics, without adequate advocacy, information and alternatives. MindFreedom calls for multiple investigations. One of the most common antipsychotic (or “neuroleptic”) psychiatric drugs is Zyprexa, manufactured…

One year later, few new policies

Info Document Actions Print this The main newspaper for Eugene, Oregon looks back over the one year that has passed since the shooting death by police of 19 year-old Ryan Salisbury, who ran out of his home holding a knife. MindFreedom Lane County has worked on the issue for a year, and the article includes…