Mad Minutes One

Info Mad Minutes One The First Mad Minutes. Want to sumbit your own Mad Minutes? Get a friend to interview you asking three simple questions. What Have You Survived? What Would You Have Rather Experienced? And then your name, location and say “Mad Pride!”. To view this content the following requirements must be fulfilled: Adobe…

MindFreedom Retreat “Insanely Supportive”

Info Chaya Grossberg, a MindFreedom 2007 conference/retreat participant from the Freedom Center, describes her experience. The great thing about this conference/retreat was that it WAS a retreat. The weather was perfect and for me, it was a semi-utopia. Freedom Center presented at 2 workshops: Coming off psych meds and Resisting Corporate Psychaitry. Both were very…

Mad People’s History! Geoffrey Reaume – psychiatric survivor & historian – on next MindFreedom Free Live Internet Radio

Info This Wednesday, 15 August 2007, at 4 pm ET, hear a live interview with GEOFFREY REAUME in Toronto, Canada. Phone in with your questions & comments live and toll free. Host is David Oaks. Geoffrey Reaume giving one of his “walking tours” of mad people’s history in Toronto (photo by Graeme Bacque). This Wednesday, …