MFI Free Live Web Radio

Info MFI Free Live Web Radio Information about MindFreedom’s free Internet radio show, the second Saturday of most months at 11am PT / 2pm ET, when you can listen and call in about changing the mental health system. MindFreedom Live Mad Pride Radio Show Public RE-LAUNCH! Guests this show: Mary Maddock, Louise Bouta, John Breeding.…

MFI Free Web Radio

Info — expired Welcome to MindFreedom Internet radio. Host David W. Oaks is a psychiatric survivor. Hear archives MindFreedom Mad Radio with news, interviews, your phone calls, hosted by MindFreedom Director David W. Oaks. MindFreedom Free Radio Is on the Internet by David W. Oaks — last modified 2007-06-13 14:21 History Action Performed by Date…

Welcome to pre-registered participants

Info This is a welcome message to pre-registered participants of the Creative Revoliution conference/retreat from Celia Brown, MindFreedom board president and chair of the conference organizing committee. Pre-registration is required to attend this conference. From Celia Brown, MindFreedom board president Welcome to the Creative Revolution: Turning Our Minds Around Mindfreedom Conference. The beautiful retreat site…

Just Say No

Info Document Actions Print this This article in the San Francisco Weekly mentions MindFreedom and quotes MFI board member Matt Morrissey from the MFI sponsor group Full Spectrum. The writer explores the life and perspective of those struggling to find non-drug alternatives for mental and emotional problems and differences. Just Say No Date Published: May…

MLK on IAACM: Martin Luther King on the International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment

Info Here are more than a dozen examples of Martin Luther King, Jr. passionately exclaiming his pride in being “psychologically maladjusted” and repeatedly calling for an International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment (IAACM). [updated 2 July 2012] Please email this ‘thank you’ to all you feel are creatively maladjusted! Did you know you…