ACTION – USA Senate Fails to Pass Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Info The USA Senate has failed to ratify this important global disability treaty, created in the United Nations with advice from hundreds of advocates, including a MindFreedom International team. Let your senator know how you feel about their votes! by John Abbe, Independent Consultant MindFreedom International   On December 4th, the United States Senate failed…

Endorse Creative Maladjustment Week!

Info Endorse Creative Maladjustment Week! The Creatively Maladjusted are active on a variety of important societal issues, including: Changing the mental health system • Psychiatric profiling • Racial equality • Religious tolerance • Economic fairness • Peace • Ecological sustainability and energy security • Individual liberty • Transparent and corruption-free government • Community and family values But they are united…

News about Creative Maladjustment Week

Info This is a fast easy way to find out the latest and the basics about celebrating Creative Maladjustment Week, 7 July to 14 July. What is the origin of this week? How can you participate? Who is sponsoring it? Celebrate Creative Maladjustment Week! Martin Luther King repeatedly called for an International Association for the…