Ray Sandford Forced Electroshock Video

Info Ray Sandford Forced Electroshock Video This five-minute video by IndyMedia of Minnesota shows Ray Sandford, his mom, and a mental health advocate speak out against Ray’s ongoing, involuntary, outpatient electroshock (also known as electroconvulsive therapy or ECT). To view this content the following requirements must be fulfilled: Adobe Flash Player version 9,0,28,0 or later…

The film “Revolutionary Road” features a character who experiences forced electroshock.

Info by David W. Oaks — last modified Feb 07, 2009 12:01 PM Filed Under: electroshock As a MindFreedom alert notes, Ray Sandford is a real human being who is receiving forced electroshock. Michael Shannon is an actor who has been nominated for an Academy Award for “Best Supporting Actor” for playing an electroshock survivor…

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: Silence about forced electroshock, but sarcasm from Ms. Miriam Woolbert

Info by David W. Oaks — last modified Jan 26, 2009 12:50 PM Filed Under: electroshock MindFreedom asked for the agency funded by taxpayers to be Ray’s “general guardian,” along with the church that owns the agency, to speak out about against forced electroshock. So far they have refused. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America [ELCA]…

More information about Campaign to End Ray Sandford’s Forced Electroshocks

Info More information about Campaign to End Ray Sandford’s Forced Electroshocks Here you’ll find documents that can help provide background to have “no more shocks for Ray.” Letter from advocate Charlie McCarthy about Ray Sandford’s forced electroshock Long-time mental health rights advocate Charlie McCarthy criticizes the “best interest” approach of Ray Sandford’s general guardians, Lutheran…

Ray Sandford Was Electroshocked Today

Even though today, 10 December 2008, is International Human Rights Day… Ray Sandford received another involuntary electroshock on an outpatient, maintenance basis. For a while there, Ray had his hopes up. On behalf of Ray we contacted Ray’s attorney Jon Duckstad and asked that a last-minute stay be obtained to stop today’s electroshock. Ray said…