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Marcela Freed!!

Marcela was freed just a few hours after we started putting pressure on them!  She believes it got her freed.  Thank you to everyone who supported Marcela!!

Free Marcela Musgrove from psychiatric imprisonment in South Carolina!

Marcela Musgrove is being held against her will at Lighthouse Behavioral Health Hospital in Conway, South Carolina. Dr. Rupa Shetty, the medical director, is refusing to release her unless she agrees to a 45-day injection of Abilify, which can have severe side effects and belongs to a class of drugs that reduce recovery rates and shorten lifespans. Marcela already has a medical care team at home and is resisting this attempt to coerce her into taking a drug that could seriously harm her.

Marcela’s situation is especially urgent because the hospital is a dangerous environment for her. She has experienced racism, bullying, and assault from other patients and technicians. Staff injected her with drugs because she was “agitated” after being attacked by another patient. She has been denied access to the Mexican consulate, even though she is a U.S.-Mexico dual citizen, and has had difficulty getting food suitable for her dietary needs.

Lighthouse has a 1.1 star average rating on Yelp and a 1 star average rating on the Better Business Bureau website. Dr. Shetty has also received many negative reviews describing her inhumane treatment of patients. Let’s hold them accountable, starting by getting them to free Marcela.

Call to Action: Contact Dr. Rupa Shetty and demand that she release Marcela Musgrove. You can call Lighthouse Behavioral Health Hospital at 843-347-8871 and ask to leave a message for Dr. Shetty, or fill out the contact form on the hospital’s website. You can also reach the hospital through Facebook and LinkedIn (you cannot post on their pages, but you can comment on the hospital’s posts), or make your own posts tagging them.

Annie Singer has posted a video on TikTok, YouTube, and X (Twitter), calling on people to call Dr. Shetty and tag Lighthouse on Facebook and LinkedIn, which you can do as well.

The comments feature of MindFreedom’s website is not working reliably at this time, so please email to inform us of what actions you have taken, especially if you tried to submit a comment and were determined not to be human by Captcha. We will post your actions on Marcela’s Auxiliary Page.

When choosing your words, remember that Marcela is at risk of retaliation and you are supporting her under the MindFreedom banner. MindFreedom International does not condone threats of violence or harm. Our mission statement is:

In a spirit of mutual cooperation, MindFreedom International aims to lead a non-violent revolution of freedom, equality, truth, and human rights in mental health care by uniting psychiatric survivors, consumers, and allies through movements for justice everywhere.

This is the spirit we want to bring to this effort. MindFreedom thanks you for your support of Marcela.


  1. Things are working out and I think I will be released soon. The attending said I am finally good from a medical standpoint and the psychiatric drug which I will probably take for the rest of my life is Prasozin which is the same as what the Gulf War veterans take for the PTSD. Speaking as someone who has worked for the VA I can say that the problem is not Big Pharma, it’s much more complicated than that.

  2. Please renew my shield. I have been held hostage since July 10 at Raleigh Oaks and now the psychiatrist at Wake Med renewed my IVC when I was there for hemorrhaging from my butt that was so violent that it grossed out the male PA resident(and the ER rotation was the specific one keeping me from getting my medical license). I invoked the Jehovahs Witness religion so they would not give me blood transfusion and they were giving me iv transfusion but they have been more concerned with me raising my voice in the cardiology ward, and taking long showers that might flood the icu unit below. I was literally banned from the chapel because I was reading from the Koran at 1 am when there was no one there. I was prevented from leaving with a votive candle and was Gang raped with ativan as punishment They also got three security guards and 5 other people to gang rape me with Ativan to get me to calm down another night. My Bible was confiscated until I asked if someone could get me a hijab from the gift shop since I was not even allowed to have a brush and my hair was dreading since my hair clips were confiscated.I did have a phone for a while but I was calling too many people including the Secret Service ( code black) and Dr Sonia Sotomayor legal clerk and even Kirkwood Air Force base where I used to work at Sandra National Labs and I assume one of them dialed 911 which resulted in me getting my phone banned. For some reason they are trusting me with an iPad, I guess because it doesn’t bother other patients. I have a TV but was told by the nurse to keep it down when I was cheering along with Kamala pep rally. I have my own bathroom but when I paged the nurse while wrapped in a towel she told me to cover up. There is also a computer in my room running Epic which I used to be certified in and I saw the nurse type in their username and password but didn’t write it down so I guess that means I literally could have stolen all patient data or whatever it is that hackers do. I haven’t been able to talk to my mom since my fake cousin who is not even blood relation stole my power of attorney and has all my legal documents, access to my house ( which is in my mothers name) and literally everything I own.I have 24/7 watch who trail me if I try to go to nurses station or anywhere I shouldn’t be. So anyway the point is figurative lobotomies, sterilization and gang rape to Mexican women is still happening in American hospitals if you are not on housekeeping staff or giving birth. So I am actively asking the Trump campaign to please repatriate me as. DACA back to Mexico DF so I can hang out with President Claudia to talk about physics and Mexican politics and maybe apply to work at one of the hospitals where some childhood friends work. I also invite my Lumbee and Mayan family and any other Cherokee or tribe that might be getting treated similarly to join me on the plane.Please repost this to all social media.

  3. I am happy that organizations like this can support victims against racism and health disparity.

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