Picture of David Russell

Shield Alert: Stop David Russell from being forcibly electroshocked

Account Hearing February 19 We thought it would be postponed and it still might, but there is an “Account Hearing”  scheduled for this Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 10:00 AM Central Time regarding the 2nd Annual Account, filed by Catholic Charities.  The login information is  https://zoomgov.com/join, Meeting ID: 160 353 5195/Passcode: 070403.  We believe the hearing…

Shield Alert: Free Joan Aufderheide from unlawful incarceration at an all-male forensic ward at Southeast Missouri Mental Health Center

Update: November 9, 2024 Joan Aufderheide says that her situation is improving. She has a court appointed attorney who is accumulating evidence for her discharge and a hearing has been scheduled for January 8, 2024. On her attorney’s advice, Joan asks Shield members to hold off taking any action on her behalf until the results…

Shield Alert: Marcela Freed!!

Marcela Freed!! Marcela was freed just a few hours after we started putting pressure on them!  She believes it got her freed.  Thank you to everyone who supported Marcela!! Free Marcela Musgrove from psychiatric imprisonment in South Carolina! Marcela Musgrove is being held against her will at Lighthouse Behavioral Health Hospital in Conway, South Carolina.…