War Mad Easy DVD: Benefit for MFI

Info A new documentary on DVD challenges the way the corporate media can control the minds of the population. Purchase of this DVD is also a benefit for MindFreedom International. War Made Easy: Purchase of the DVD through this web site benefits MindFreedom. WAR MADE EASY: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death.…

Authorities: 9 prescriptions “killed” Anna Nicole Smith

Info Media reported 26 March 2007 that authorities have concluded that celebrity/playmate Anna Nicole Smith was on nine prescriptions drugs “that killed her.” Several of these prescriptions were psychiatric drugs. Anna Nicole Smith: Authorities say combo of 9 prescriptions drugs killed her. Authorities have finally concluded, six weeks after her death, that Anna Nicole Smith…

A troubling diagnosis in Iraq

Info Associated Press reports that a US soldier accused of murdering a family in Iraq had previously disclosed his desire to kill innocent Iraqui civilians, but had primarily been prescribed a powerful neuroleptic psychiatric drug Seroquel and returned to duty. Associated Press – 10 January 2007 Ex-soldier found to have ‘homicidal ideations’ months before family’s…