Outpatient Forced Psychiatry

Info Outpatient Forced Psychiatry More and more citizens are required to take super-powerful psychiatric drugs against their will while living in their own homes out in the community. Today 42 US states allow courts to order “involuntary outpatient commitment.” An increasing number of countries are using “community treatment orders” and other techniques that make our…

A troubling diagnosis in Iraq

Info Associated Press reports that a US soldier accused of murdering a family in Iraq had previously disclosed his desire to kill innocent Iraqui civilians, but had primarily been prescribed a powerful neuroleptic psychiatric drug Seroquel and returned to duty. Associated Press – 10 January 2007 Ex-soldier found to have ‘homicidal ideations’ months before family’s…

Veterans Mental Health

Info Veterans Mental Health Present and former military personnel and their family are often denied adequate alternatives and advocacy for mental and emotional well being. A troubling diagnosis in Iraq Associated Press reports that a US soldier accused of murdering a family in Iraq had previously disclosed his desire to kill innocent Iraqui civilians, but…


Info Neuroleptics Information about traditional and atypical neuroleptic drugs, also known as “anti-psychotics.” Brain Damage Caused by Neuroleptic Psychiatric Drugs In the past two decades, countless medical studies have shown that use of neuroleptic psychiatric drugs (also known as antipsychotics) is associated with structural brain changes, especially when taking high dosages for a long time.…