MindFreedom Journal #50

Info MindFreedom Journal #50 Here you may download either a PDF or a text version of the MindFreedom Journal #50, published in Winter 2009-2010. PDF of MindFreedom Journal #50 This is a full-color downloadable PDF of MindFreedom Journal #50, from winter 2009-2010. It is 16 pages, and a little over one meg (1.2 megs). Text…

2011 Events to Celebrate Mad Pride

Info 2011 Events to Celebrate Mad Pride This is only a partial listing and collection of events to celebrate Mad Pride during 2011. Lord Mayor launches Mad Pride flagship event Each year, Cork, Ireland has had one of the larger MAD PRIDE events, with support from poet/psychiatric survivor John McCarthy. Read More… Document Actions Print…

‘Cuckoo’s Nest’: Wisconsin Newspaper Carries Electroshock Mini-Debate

Info Document Actions Print this Reporter Shawn Doherty wrote a very biased article about electroshock (electroconvulsive therapy or ECT) for her paper, Capitol Times in Wisconsin. She quotes five (5) credentialed experts in support of shock… and quotes zero (0) expert critics (though she mentions MindFreedom). The newspaper did publish letters by three MindFreedom members…

Report from opening of Rethinking Psychiatry

Info Earlier tonight, on Friday, 13 May 2011, the two-day symposium Rethinking Psychiatry began. There was some big news: Some of the participants had started a new foundation that won a $2 million dollar grant, to create information and research examples of model alternatives in mental health.   Below are photos from tonight’s opening panel…

Elizabeth Ellis Legal Defense Fund Info

Info Latest news about supporting Legal Defense Fund for the right of Elizabeth Ellis to say “no” to forced electroshock.   How to support Elizabeth directly through her attorney’s Legal Defense Fund   Elizabeth’s husband Robert hired a highly-recommended lawyer, Ryan Magnus, though they lack the funds to pay the full costs.  If you are…