More information about Campaign to End Ray Sandford’s Forced Electroshocks

Info More information about Campaign to End Ray Sandford’s Forced Electroshocks Here you’ll find documents that can help provide background to have “no more shocks for Ray.” Letter from advocate Charlie McCarthy about Ray Sandford’s forced electroshock Long-time mental health rights advocate Charlie McCarthy criticizes the “best interest” approach of Ray Sandford’s general guardians, Lutheran…

Ray Sandford Was Electroshocked Today

Even though today, 10 December 2008, is International Human Rights Day… Ray Sandford received another involuntary electroshock on an outpatient, maintenance basis. For a while there, Ray had his hopes up. On behalf of Ray we contacted Ray’s attorney Jon Duckstad and asked that a last-minute stay be obtained to stop today’s electroshock. Ray said…

Forced Drugging Defense Package

Info The Forced Drugging Defense Package developed by the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights for the MindFreedom Shield program. You may download a free, non-certified PDF copy of the Forced Drugging Defense Package and a Microsoft Word version of the Forced Drugging Legal Pleadings so that attorneys can adapt them for local use, here: To…

Ray Alert #3: Where Does Governor Pawlenty Stand on Involuntary Outpatient Electroshock in Minnesota?

Info 16 Nov: Media ought to ask, “What is Governor Pawlenty’s position on Involuntary Outpatient Electroshock (IOE)?” Ray gets a reprieve. [Update: Now read comments from people to the Governor.] Ray Sandford is regularly given involuntary outpatient electroshock in Minnesota. Updates 18 November 2008 Click here to read some of the many comments to the…

Ray Alert #4: Ask Governor to Give Ray Sandford Reprieve From Forced Electroshock

Info 24 Nov: The next forced outpatient electroshock of Ray Sandford is scheduled for this Wednesday morning, 26 November 2008, the day before the USA holiday of Thanksgiving. Join an international campaign *NOW* to phone Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty today and tomorrow, before the shock: Ray Sandford is regularly given involuntary outpatient electroshock in Minnesota.…

Ray Alert #5: Ray’s Next Forced Shock is Scheduled for International Human Rights Day, 10 December

Info The next scheduled involuntary outpatient electroshock of Ray Sandford of Minnesota is this coming Wednesday morning, 10 December 2008. By a horrible coincidence this is also International Human Rights Day. The United Nations is leading a global celebration of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Do…

Ray Alert #6: Ray Was Forcibly Electroshocked Again Today on International Human Rights Day, 10 December

Info Ray Sandford received another involuntary outpatient electroshock this morning, 10 December 2008. By a horrible coincidence today is also International Human Rights Day. The United Nations is leading a global celebration today of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Ray Sandford is regularly given involuntary outpatient…