“Depression and mental disorders can be prevented and treated with simple healing foods”

Info Document Actions Print this More scientific evidence for the healing effects of good nutrition: A study has found that omega-3 fatty acids and foods high in uridine reduce the symptoms of depression as well as, or better than, three different antidepressant drugs. “Depression and mental disorders can be prevented and treated with simple healing…

Psychiatry residents often skip informed consent

Info Document Actions Print this An investigation into the practices of 108 psychiatry residents revealed an excessively passive approach to informed consent discussions with patients. Asked to participate in hypothetical clinical vignettes, only 3% of the students managed to provide responses that met the criteria for adequate informed consent. Psychiatry residents often skip informed consent…

Alternative Medicine & Nutrition Links

Info Links to a variety of topics related to alternative medicine and nutrition. * The Health Benefits of Fasting, by Will Carroll * The Herbs Place, online store; site includes an article on how ‘laughter is the best medicine’ * Orthomolecular.org, ‘therapeutic medicine based upon biochemical individuality’ * Nutrition for beginners, from the Bipolar Blast…

Eastern Europe

Info Eastern Europe Activism regarding Eastern European psychiatric human rights violations. Declaration from protest of Eastern European Psychiatric Congress A nonviolent protest using banners and guerilla theater was held in and outside of the “First Eastern European Psychiatric Congress” in Thessaloniki, Greece on 21 September 2007. The protest was by the Pan-Hellenic Coalition for Psychiatric…

Alternative Medicine Resources

Info Alternative Medicine Resources Links to websites providing alternative medicine resources AlternativeMedicine.com Alternatives including for mental and emotional well being: natural remedies and healthy solutions for pressing health concerns as well as practical strategies for self-care and prevention. Alternative Medicine & Nutrition Links Links to a variety of topics related to alternative medicine and nutrition.…

IAACM – Creative Maladjustment

Info IAACM – Creative Maladjustment International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment – Fulfilling Martin Luther King’s Vision David Oaks on the IAACM YouTube video: David Oaks describes a new MadPride initiative, the International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment (IAACM) inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.. Oaks calls for activists to help…

WPA 2008 meetings

Info This is a list from the World Psychiatric Association web site about their meetings, or co-sponsored meetings, in 2008. Disclaimer: this is not necessarily an endorsement of any activity in these events. [As of 20 Sept. 2007]. 2008 WPA CO-SPONSORED CONFERENCE (Zone 3) TITLE:            “5th National Congress, National Institute    Of Social Security &…