what is mental illness

What is mental illness?

Watch the rest of the Voices for Choices series NARRATION: In exploring alternative approaches to mental health, it is first important to understand what mental illness actually is. Most psychiatric survivors reject the term “mental illness” altogether, as it supports what is considered the “medical model” of mental health. The medical model is based on…

what involuntary psychiatric treatment looks like

What involuntary psychiatric treatment looks like

Watch the rest of the Voices for Choices series NARRATION: Involuntary treatment refers to medical procedures undertaken without the consent of the person being treated. In 1975, the world finally got a peek into this traumatic experience through the award-winning feature film “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Involuntary psychiatric treatment has become standard protocol…

history of psychiatric treatment

History of psychiatric treatment

Watch the rest of the Voices for Choices series NARRATION: Mental health treatment has come in many forms throughout history. For most of history, people considered “crazy” were banished, beaten, or kept locked away in cellars and attics. In 17th-century Europe, they were confined in large institutions, not for purposes of treatment, but to remove…

voices for choices

Voices for Choices: Introduction

  Watch the rest of the Voices for Choices series     NARRATION: Voices for Choices is the first of its kind. Courageous individuals speak out about their experience with the mental health system’s use of force and coercion. They share about alternative approaches and healing modalities they have explored and their effective approaches to…

Media and Mental Health Issues

Info media-and-mental-health Document Actions Print this Issues involving the way mainstream media has often had bias in reporting stories regarding mainstream corporate mental health system. Just as there’s a movement for accountability in the mental health system, there is also a social change movement of critics of mainstream corporate media calling for more professionalism and…