Diagnosis and labeling of mental health and illness

Info Diagnosis and labeling of mental health and illness Contemporary and historical approaches to the art of mental health diagnosis “Psychiatry: Medical Fraud or Incompetence” This artricle is a critique of psychiatry’s diagnostic practices, extracted from the work of Bonnie Sigren Busick, RN, MA and Martha Gorman originally published in 1986, delving into issues surrounding…

Scientific article: Neuroleptic (antipsychotic) drugs may cause cell death.

Info This medical research revealed that the neuroleptics (also known as antipsychotics) may not only shrink the brain, but cause actual cell death. For an abstract, full text, and to download a free PDF of the below article click this link: http://www.nature.com/npp/journal/v32/n6/abs/1301233a.html Effect of Chronic Exposure to Antipsychotic Medication on Cell Numbers in the Parietal…

Medical articles on neuroleptic brain damage

Info These are a few of the many mainstream medical articles indicating that using neuroleptic psychiatric drugs (also known as antipsychotics) can lead to significant structural brain damage. Brain Damage Associated with Neuroleptic Drug Treatment: The below was compiled by several sources by the late psychiatrist Loren Mosher, MD. For more on this citations click…

Neuroleptics shrink brains in monkeys

Info In this study, both an older neuroleptic (Haldol or “haloperidol”) and a newer atypical neuroleptic (Zyprexa or “olanzapine”) caused significant shrinkage in the higher level parts of the brains in monkeys. Source: Neuropsychopharmacology 9 March 2005 Haldol, Olanzapine Cause Brain Shrinkage in Monkeys Three groups of six macaque monkeys each were exposed to oral…

World Hearing Voices Day is 14th September 2007

Info This is a news release from INTERVOICE about a day for celebrating humane alternatives for people who hear distressing voices. Prof. Marius Romme, President of INTERVOICE Press Release from: INTERVOICE International Network for Training Education and Research into Hearing Voices www.intervoiceonline.org For immediate Release: Press Release: Celebrate World Hearing Voices Day and 20 years…

Military and Mental Health

Info Military and Mental Health The intersection between the military and the mental health system has gained special attention because of veterans returning from war with a diagnosis of “post traumatic stress disorder” or PTSD. Paula Caplan on vets returning from Iraq Paula J. Caplan is an author, teacher, playwright, and long-time supporter of MindFreedom.…