The NY Times exposes multiple psychiatric drugging of kids.

Info On 23 November 2006 The New York Times ran a major article questioning the way young people in the USA are frequently prescribed a “chemical cocktail” of prescribed psychiatric drugs. MFI NEWS ANALYSIS 23 November 2006 – MindFreedom International The NY Times has published a significant investigation of the use of “polypharmacy” on children…

Proof is Scant on Psychiatric Drug Mix for Young

Info Document Actions Print this The New York Times reveals the frequent and controversial practice of prescribing multiple psychiatric drugs for young people in the USA, a practice sometimes known as “chemical cocktails” or “polypharmacy.” Proof is Scant on Psychiatric Drug Mix for Young Date Published: Nov 23, 2006 03:00 AM Author: Gardiner Harris Source:…

Psychiatric Institutionalization

Info Psychiatric Institutionalization Stories and information challenging the use of coerced lock-ups in psychiatric institutions. Psychiatric Abuse of Walter Vetsch MindFreedom member Walter Vetsch has chronicled his ordeals as a college student in the 1960’s who was tortured by psychiatrists for seven years after the university psychiatrist said he was “schizophrenic” and ordered his commitment.…

Mad Arts Artist Wins Half Million Dollars

Info A New York City-based artist who works on transforming abandoned psychiatric institutions into memorials with art (such as Northampton State Hospital in Massachusetts) won a MacArthur “Genius Award” of $500,000. Anna Schuleit, artist from Chronicle of Philanthropy – 19 September 2006 MacArthur Foundation Names Recipients of ‘Genius Awards’ By Marty Michaels The John D.…


Info Arts Role of art, music, dance, writing, theater in challenging psychiatric human rights violation and in assisting in the emergence of emotional and mental well being and recovery. Mad arts news, announcements A few links, news items, announcements related to the ‘mad arts.’ Mad Poetry Poetry cannot be silenced by psychiatric oppression. Here are…

A Rush to Medicate Young Minds

Info Document Actions Print this A psychiatrist and author questions the massive increase in psychiatric drugging of young people in this guest column in the influential Washington Post. A Rush to Medicate Young Minds Date Published: Oct 08, 2006 03:00 AM Author: Elizabeth J. Roberts Source: Washington Post, page B07 I have been treating, educating…


Info Advocacy Court ruling on Illinois warehoused psychiatric inmates Federal Court Advances Challenge to Illinois Policy Warehousing Residents Labeled with Mental Illnesses Psychiatric Advance Directives “Advance directives” on mental health topics can sometimes help prevent forced psychiatric treatment, but too often the psychiatric industry is allowed to override these documents. US Supreme Court on Freedom…