Ask the USA Senate to Ratify the CRPD: Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Info {Updated August 30, 2012] An historic global disability treaty created in the United Nations with advice from hundreds of advocates, including a MindFreedom International team, now awaits in the USA for ratification. Please ask the USA Senate to pass this important global agreement. Celia Brown, MFI Board President, said, “Hopefully we’ll be able to…

Ask the USA Senate to Ratify the CRPD: Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Info {Updated August 30, 2012] An historic global disability treaty created in the United Nations with advice from hundreds of advocates, including a MindFreedom International team, now awaits in the USA for ratification. Please ask the USA Senate to pass this important global agreement. Celia Brown, MFI Board President, said, “Hopefully we’ll be able to…