Alternatives 2012 Conference

Info Each year the US government funds a conference for about one thousand Americans who are mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors, many of whom are working with peer-run services. [Updated 6 September with website and Facebook links.] What Conference When Oct 10, 2012 06:00 PM to Oct 14, 2012 12:00 PM Where Portland, Oregon,…

E. Fuller Torrey: One of main opponents of human rights of mental health consumers & psychiatric survivors

Info One of the main crusaders to make it easier to forcibly administer psychiatric drugs to mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors — including in their own homes — is psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey, and his extremist organization Treatment Advocacy Center. Click to view full-size image… — Size: 79.7 kB Document Actions Print this

Victory: FDA Panel Votes to Require Testing of ECT Device After Survivors Testify at FDA Electroshock Hearing

Info GAITHERSBURG, MD: A panel for the US Food & Drug Administration voted to ask the FDA to require testing of the device used for electroshock. MindFreedom members testified at these public hearings on whether to regulate electroshock device. Loretta Wilson, electroshock survivor from Michigan, plans to testify. 29 January 2011  Victory: Food & Drug…

Victory: FDA Panel Votes to Require Testing of ECT Device After Survivors Testify at FDA Electroshock Hearing

Info GAITHERSBURG, MD: A panel for the US Food & Drug Administration voted to ask the FDA to require testing of the device used for electroshock. MindFreedom members testified at these public hearings on whether to regulate electroshock device. Loretta Wilson, electroshock survivor from Michigan, plans to testify. 29 January 2011  Victory: Food & Drug…

Families and Friends of Psychiatric Survivors

Info Families and Friends of Psychiatric Survivors Jan 1, 2022 What role do parents, siblings, children, relatives, colleagues, friends have in supporting psychiatric survivors? How can relatives and allies help us find the services we choose, want and need? How can mothers, dads, sisters, brothers, wives and husbands stand with us side by side in…

Permanent muscle twitching from antipsychotics: Tardive Dyskinesia and Tardive Dystonia

Info Permanent muscle twitching from antipsychotics: Tardive Dyskinesia and Tardive Dystonia It’s been known since the 1950’s that the family of psychiatric drugs called antipsychotics — also known as neuroleptics — can lead to involuntary muscular movements that can often be permanent. Among these are the “TD’s,” which stands for both Tardive Dyskinesia and Tardive…

Permanent muscle twitching from antipsychotics: Tardive Dyskinesia and Tardive Dystonia

Info Permanent muscle twitching from antipsychotics: Tardive Dyskinesia and Tardive Dystonia It’s been known since the 1950’s that the family of psychiatric drugs called antipsychotics — also known as neuroleptics — can lead to involuntary muscular movements that can often be permanent. Among these are the “TD’s,” which stands for both Tardive Dyskinesia and Tardive…