Mental Health System

Info Mental Health System Why is the mental health system so often harmful to those it seeks to help, and what can be done to change the situation? Comparing Mental Health Client and Mental Health System Ron Unger, coordinator for MindFreedom Lane County, compares a distressed client and a distressed mental health system. There are…

Shock and Awe

Info Document Actions Print this The Village Voice published this article about “The stunning comeback of electroshock and other harrowing treatments for the mentally ill.” The Voice also published a letter by director of MindFreedom International David W. Oaks in response to the article. Shock and Awe Date Published: Sep 18, 2007 01:00 AM Author:…

Review: “Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry” reviewed by Mary Maddock

Info Mary Maddock of Cork, Ireland reviews the new book “Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry” co-edited by Peter Lehmann and Peter Stastny. Mary is co-founder of MindFreedom Ireland. Mary Maddock is also co-author of the book Soul Survivor. ‘Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry’ is written by many authors, ex-users and survivors of psychiatry, therapists, psychiatrists, social scientists, lawyers and…

ACLU Lawsuit: “ICE Drugging Detainees Set for Deportation”

Info CNN covers the story that the American Civil Liberties Union is suing over forced psychiatric drugging of immigrants facing deportation. Raymond Seoth and wife. 12 October 2007 original article: From Thelma Gutierrez  LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) — Former detainees of Immigration and Customs Enforcement accuse the agency in a lawsuit of forcibly injecting…

NY State New Guidelines on Forced Electroshock

Info Apparently in response to the state-wide outrage following MindFreedom human rights alerts about two individuals slated for forced electroshock, NY State has issued new “guidelines” about use of involuntary electroshock over the wishes of the subject. MindFreedom’s response: No Means No. MindFreedom Update    New York State Issues New “Guidelines” on Electroshock    Guidelines…

An Interview with Martin J. Walker

Info Document Actions Print this “Dirty Medicine” author Martin Walker talks about the codex alimentarius, the profit-driven bias of ‘pharmascience’, the commissioning and planting of deceptive news stories, the character assassination of alternative practitioners and researchers, and the dark political practices of the pharmaceutical cartel. An Interview with Martin J. Walker Date Published: Jan 01,…