War Mad Easy DVD: Benefit for MFI

Info A new documentary on DVD challenges the way the corporate media can control the minds of the population. Purchase of this DVD is also a benefit for MindFreedom International. War Made Easy: Purchase of the DVD through this web site benefits MindFreedom. WAR MADE EASY: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death.…

“Inspiration for a Creative Revolution” by Janet Foner

Info Janet Foner, board member of MindFreedom International and Chair of Choices in Mental Health Committee, presented this speech on Thursday evening, 12 July 2007, at the MindFreedom International Conference: Creative Revolution: Turning Our Minds Around near Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. We chose the title of our conference carefully. Tonight, we are turning our minds around…

audio activism

Info audio activism Use of radio and other audible media to promote human rights and alternatives in the mental health system. Mary Van Pelt radio shows Mary Van Pelt began independent production of community radio with Midi Age Productions in the spring of 2004. She advocates for the rights of people diagnosed with mental illness.…

Overcoming the Impossible: My Journey Through Schizophrenia

Info Document Actions Print this Psychiatric survivor, psychologist and author Ron Bassman wrote this breakthrough article that was published in the popular magazine, Psychology Today. He describes how despite a diagnosis of schizophrenia and years of lock-ups and abuse and electroshock and insulin coma therapy and psychiatric drugs…. he survived, recovered, became a psychologist. Ron…


Info History Looking back on MindFreedom and history of our movement. NY Times: Willard Suitcase Project Exposes Psychiatric History The New York Times ran an article about a special exhibit in New York that exposes the history of the psychiatric system in a very personal way. MindFreedom board president Celia Brown lives in New York…

A writer on electroshock

Info A writer reflects on how electroshock has impacted memory. This anonymous piece was posted on the excellent blog by Philip Dawdy, called Furious Seasons. Original was posted on this excellent blog: http://www.furiousseasons.com/archives/2007/07/a_readers_ect_experience.html July 13, 2007 A Reader’s ECT Experience The following was sent to me by SS, a reader, who wanted me to post…