
Info Racism Wild Indians Native Perspectives on the Hiawatha Asylum for Insane Indiansby Pemina Yellow Bird In Our Own Voice African-American Stories of Oppression, Survival and Recovery in Mental Health Systemsby Vanessa Jackson Document Actions Print this

Anti-depressants: prescription to suicide

t Actions Print this This is an article critical of “anti-depressant” psychiatric drugs from a publication in Vancouver, Canada called Common Ground. Anti-depressants: prescription to suicide Date Published: Jul 01, 2006 03:00 AM Author: Angela Bischoff Source: Common Ground, Vancouver, Canada I’m a suicide survivor. My soulmate of 17 years, Tooker Gomberg, committed suicide March 3, 2004.…

Candlelight vigil remembers Jim Chasse, Jr.

Info James P. Chasse, Jr. was a resident of Portland, Oregon, USA diagnosed schizophrenic who died in police custody. Psychiatric survivors and mental health consumers marched from the Alternatives 2006 conference to a memorial on 27 October 2006. Participants in Alternatives 2006 prepare to march to Jim Chasse memorial. (Photo: MindFreedom) James P. Chasse, Jr.…

Psychiatric Coercion

Info Psychiatric Coercion Techniques ranging from pressure to out right force in the mental health system. Those labeled “mentally ill” should be helped, not forcibly drugged An opinion piece opposing forced psychiatric drugging. Outpatient Forced Psychiatry More and more citizens are required to take super-powerful psychiatric drugs against their will while living in their own…

School of Shock: Inside a school where mentally disturbed students are jolted into good behavior

Info Document Actions Print this The Village Voice looks at an institution that openly uses pain to try to control behavior of people labeled with mental disabilities. School of Shock: Inside a school where mentally disturbed students are jolted into good behavior Date Published: Oct 10, 2006 03:00 AM Author: Jarrett Murphy Source: Village Voice…

Activism in mental health

Activism in mental health Action campaigns to challenge and transform the mental health system. Candlelight vigil remembers Jim Chasse, Jr. James P. Chasse, Jr. was a resident of Portland, Oregon, USA diagnosed schizophrenic who died in police custody. Psychiatric survivors and mental health consumers marched from the Alternatives 2006 conference to a memorial on 27…

Globalization of psychiatry

Info Globalization of psychiatry Concern about expansion of the mental health industry to poor & developing countries. Q&A with Arthur Kleinman This interview by the Boston Globe of professor Arthur Kleinman — author, psychiatrist, anthropologist, and Director of Harvard’s Asia Center — touches on the medicalization of psychiatry, and cross-cultural mental health issues. Arthur Kleinman…