These are items gathered by MindFreedom about mental health care, the psychiatric profession, advocacy, humane alternatives and more. This information is gathered for public education, and does not necessarily reflect the position of MindFreedom and its board. Nothing on or in our material should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a medical or legal opinion.
Abuse in Mental Health System
Activism in mental health
- Action campaigns to challenge and transform the mental health system.
Alternatives to the Traditional Mental Health System
- Role of art, music, dance, writing, theater in challenging psychiatric human rights violation and in assisting in the emergence of emotional and mental well being and recovery.
Blogs on changing the mental health system
- Here are a few web logs touching or focusing on the topic of human rights and/or alternatives in the mental health system. If you find more let us know. Disclaimer: This is not necessarily an endorsement of material on these blogs.
Diagnosis and labeling of mental health and illness
- Contemporary and historical approaches to the art of mental health diagnosis
- These documents explore the intersection between the disability movement and the movement to change the mental health system.
Ethics & Mental Health
Events related to alternatives & human rights in mental health
- These are conferences, meetings, congresses, gatherings related to the topics of human rights in mental health. Inclusion of these events is not necessarily endorsement, and is for your information. Unless specified, these are not events sponsored by MindFreedom International.
Families and Friends of Psychiatric Survivors
- What role do parents, siblings, children, relatives, colleagues, friends have in supporting psychiatric survivors? How can relatives and allies help us find the services we choose, want and need? How can mothers, dads, sisters, brothers, wives and husbands stand with us side by side in resisting the severe human rights violations that are so endemic in the current mental health industry?
Genetics and Eugenics
Global Issues
- International activist concerns on human rights and alternatives in the mental health system.
- Looking back on MindFreedom and history of our movement.
In Memoriam
Loading Zone for Volunteer New Material
- These are drafts of articles and other material posted by volunteers that are currently in production.
Mad Pride Archive
- Info. on Mad Pride & Past Events
- Information related to MindFreedom’s online store, the MadMarket.
Media Issues
- Challenges with the corporate media, including bias, silence and discrimination. Plus suggestions about creating your own alternative media.
Mental Health Issues and Homeless People
- This has information regarding the intersection of people who are labeled with psychiatric disabilities, and people who for whatever reason up without decent humane shelter.
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