Samantha Johnson, psychiatric survivor, MFI intern

Info Samantha Johnson is a 22-year-old psychiatric survivor who is interning at the MindFreedom International office. “I was absolutely in disbelief at how the people were treated at the hospital. It was an environment of emotional abuse interspersed with ‘treatments’ and ‘policies’ that could be more accurately described as assault. The tragic thing is that…

Why get labeled? Describe yourself in the People’s DSM!

Info Here’s a peaceful revolutionary response to psychiatry’s label bible, the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual” (DSM). MindFreedom Portland has launched a “People’s DSM” where you can describe yourself! People’s DSM says Boycott Normal! WE CAN DESCRIBE OURSELVES WITHOUT THEDSM Boycott Normal! by C.J. Lince & MindFreedom Portland     MindFreedom needs your help to createour…

Occupy Normal

Info In the spirit of mutual cooperation, MindFreedom supports the movements to Occupy worldwide. We encourage members to join this momentous movement to take back our government, economy, environment, media, schools… and mental health system! MindFreedom International’s mission is to “lead a nonviolent revolution of freedom, equality, truth and human rights that unites people affected…