Welcome to MFI News

Info MindFreedom International News is where you will find stories related to MindFreedom International, and also news stories of more general interest regarding human rights and alternatives in the mental health system in the USA and internationally. We seek to update these regularly. MindFreedom News This is a combination of both featured news, and MindFreedom…

Onion vs. Psychiatric Absurdity

Info The humorous satire publication The Onion slyly challenges excess and human rights violations in the mental health system in many creative fictional ways, that seem all too-true. Here are some examples. [Updated 22 Dec. 2010] Examples of The Onion satire skewering psychiatric ridiculousness:     Check out links below to some of the ‘mental…

More U.S. Children Being Diagnosed With Youthful Tendency Disorder

Info Document Actions Print this The satiric publication The Onion has run dozens of articles skewering psychiatric oppression through fictional seemingly-true stories, here’s a brilliant example. More U.S. Children Being Diagnosed With Youthful Tendency Disorder Date Published: Sep 27, 2000 03:00 AM Source: The Onion http://www.theonion.com/content/node/28223/print/ Issue 36•34 REDLANDS, CA–Nicholas and Beverly Serna’s daughter Caitlin…


Info Humor Nothing like humor to help challenge mental health oppression. More U.S. Children Being Diagnosed With Youthful Tendency Disorder The satiric publication The Onion has run dozens of articles skewering psychiatric oppression through fictional seemingly-true stories, here’s a brilliant example. Onion vs. Psychiatric Absurdity The humorous satire publication The Onion slyly challenges excess and…