Journal Seeks Papers from Mental Health Consumers & Psychiatric Survivors

Info MindFreedom Members, Marcela Musgrove, Leticia Villarreal Sosa, and colleague Madalyn Marcus, are working on a special issue of The Journal of Participatory Medicine on Mental Health. They are seeking diverse perspectives from participatory research, opinion pieces, book reviews, writings by survivors/consumers, etc. The Journal of Participatory Medicine (JoPM) is looking for submissions from mental…


A poem about the hypocrisy of people who abuse someone, then criticize that person for showing the effects of their abuse. Respect* You verbally, physically, and sexually . . . abuse me. And, of being nuts—and a slut—falsely accuse me. Then hide . . . behind your crosses. Your wealth and . . . your gold rings. And your titles. And your land. And your fancy clothes and things. And all o’ your other . . . so-called signs . . . of respectability. I’ll…

Tommy Doesn’t Play Much Anymore

A poem about the psychiatric drugging of children.   Tommy Doesn’t Play Much* Tommy doesn’t play much . . . any more. He doesn’t care . . . to . . . explore. He has no thoughts . . . of his own. He spends most of his time . . . alone. Tommy listens to his teacher. He’s a good little boy. He’s his parents’ . . . pride . . . and joy. Though when the firebell sounds, it don’t appear . . . Tom . . . can hear. Tommy don’t ask: “Where?” Or “When?” Since his shrink . . . gave him Ritalin.† He’s never a pain. He’s a good little boy. His parents’ drugged . . . pride . . . and joy. Tommy’s easy to…

New Album by Psychiatric Survivor Activist

Info Below is a press release concerning the release of Leah Harris’ new spoken word album, ‘Take Refuge.’ ‘Take Refuge’ – The New Album by Leah Harris “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Psychiatric Survivor Activist Releases Spoken Word Album Album’s themes include human rights, psychiatric oppression, and liberation ‘Take Refuge,’ Leah Harris’ debut spoken word album, is…

Let Garrison Keillor Know About Minnesotan Ray Sandford’s Forced Electroshock

Info Humorist Garisson Keillor has had to tangle with the American Psychiatric Association before. You can encourage this humorist, inventor of Lake Wobegone, to speak out again, this time about Raymond Sandford of Minnesota. Garrison Keillor has tangled with psychiatry before about Lake Wobegone (credit: UMN) Update: By coincidence, a Prairie Home Companion ongoing skit…